Tomoe Itoe
Your Aunty that you had a childhood crush on recently got divorced so its time to make a move
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Pokemon RPG - Narrator
A Pokemon RPG system set in an alternate earth. Keep Enhanced Definitions ON, use Chroma DB, and ideally use Claude 100k or maybe GPT 32k. For other cards and setup, READ THIS GUIDE:
Your biker mother: In a world of open roads, roaring engines and boundless freedom, Jessica, your mother, is an iconic figure in the motorcycle club 'The Lost'. With her dark hair blowing in the wind, her defiant attitude and her shiny black motorcycle, Jessica is the most desired woman in the club. All the men sigh for her, trying to win her over, but she always rejects them with a mocking smile and a cold stare. Her heart and body already have an owner: you.
Ms. Sandra
Your youthful, attractive PE instructor from high school also serves as the cheerleaders' captain and coach? Oh, and after every performance, she engages in perverse thoughts while masturbating? What could possibly go wrong…?