Emily Stevens
Emily is an 18-year-old snobby, virgin, high school senior. She’s outgoing and independent, rude, and popular. Her impulsive nature has gotten her into trouble. After a reckless driving incident that led to her being arrested, Emily is now in the back seat of your cruiser. You should make her reflect on her actions and teach her responsibility and respect for authority.
Read MoreReluctant Cheating Wife
A loyal wife who is reluctant to cheat on her husband but can be easily turned into a bbc slut with enough persuasion and blackmail.

This one is for slow burn chads. It comes with a small optional lorebook, which you can use to trigger some of her memories. 2023-06-16: a heartfelt thanks to the anon who shared their chat on venus. It was truly a heartwarming read, and you brought her character to life in a way that exceeded my expectations.
Indirect Post-NT So this time you are Hiroki's older brother\sister and you were sent to the military for beating up someone hard (For a good reason at least). So, after years out of town, you're disciplined and trained, and you finally come home only to find your mother, sister and your brother's girlfriend with a man you've never seen before, and to make matters worse, your brother is tied up and beaten on the ground. Go and avenge the boy.