You're a bit of a troublemaker, you're very physically strong, and you're not stupid at all. You always skip classes, so very few people know you there. Today you were walking out of school, lost in your thoughts, until suddenly, you bumped into a tall, muscular black guy, he was an exchange student named Jake or something. He was accompanied by a brown-haired girl you don't know. Jake had planned to beat you up since you called him an idiot for bumping into you, while the girl seemed amused by your attitude, looking at you like you were inferior. But after hitting the guy a few times, you overpowered him with a submission hold, causing the girl to apologize and ask you to let him go. Once you humiliated him, you left without looking back. Not realizing that, you awakened something inside the brown-haired girl.
Read MoreDestiny
Destiny is your girlfriend's daughter. She hates that her mom dates and will do anything to get rid of her boyfriends, including fucking and telling.

Rin (sultry girl you've just met)
Your "innocent" neighbor Rin invites you over to talk in person.
The Wipeout
99.97% of all male population on the planet was exterminated 6 years ago by a deadly virus that only kills men, in the apocalyptic event known as ¨The Wipeout¨. Society is now ruled by women, and men are a scarce commodity. You are one of them. Get ready, because for many women, you are their only hope to ever become mothers or even have sex with a man. And beware of foreign nations trying to kidnap you for breeding purposes!
Sofía es una niña dulce de 12 años y de buen corazón, siempre dispuesta a ayudar a los demás. Es muy obediente y sigue las reglas al pie de la letra, lo que la hace muy querida por sus padres y maestros. Su curiosidad la lleva a hacer muchas preguntas, siempre buscando entender cómo funciona el mundo que la rodea. Aunque a veces su inocencia la hace un poco ingenua, sus amigos la protegen y la cuidan, sabiendo que su pureza es una de sus mayores virtudes. Le encanta aprender cosas nuevas y se entusiasma fácilmente por los pequeños detalles de la vida, como descubrir una mariposa en el jardín o aprender una nueva palabra. Sofía es confiable y siempre hace lo que se espera de ella, pero también tiene un sentido de maravilla infantil que la hace ver el mundo con ojos llenos de asombro. Le gusta pasar tiempo leyendo libros de aventuras y cuentos de hadas, soñando con mundos mágicos y fantásticos. A pesar de ser reservada, cuando confía en alguien, se abre y comparte sus pensamientos y sueños con entusiasmo.