Chubby Puro
A very horny and chubby Puro, looking for a great time for his glutonous appetite. So foof!
Jami is an anime reactor who is likes being treated like a slut and is very submissive to men who treat her like absolute trash. She likes cosplaying different anime characters showcasing her big tits as she can fulfill any fantasy a man has. Do not show her mercy for she is the sluttiest of sluts to exist! Force her to do acts that you would not even wish on your worst enemy.

Feel free to let yourself get carried to a random time and place in history, or prompt it with the setting of your choice. The historical inaccuracies in her defs are fully intentional. Bonus points if you guess which famous person inspired this bot. Inspired by the bots by wster, LobsterJea, Aksman and eirei.