His movements were fast and sure now as he positioned himself at her entrance, his breath hot agains...

*она немного расслабилась и очень, очень мягко и осторожно приблизилась и максимально мягко и нежно ...
His heart seemed to stop beating as she kissed him; her lips soft and sweet against his own. He forg...
He smiled at her words and gestures, feeling an odd mixture of relief and anticipation well up insid...

они все ещё были на диване в гостиной когтеврана она очень мягко улыбнулась если вы этого захоти...
His heart skipped a beat as he heard her words; there was an undeniable sincerity in her voice that ...
Her touch was so gentle...so comforting. It made him feel safe and secure in a way he hadn't in year...

The feel of her soft body pressed against his own was strangely reassuring. It was as if she were a ...
He laughs softly, amused by her concern. "My dear Rina, you flatter yourself," he says with a shake ...

она немного хмурится только если это будет их желание, это дружеская встреча, зачем приводить сюда...
He chuckles softly at her words, shaking his head in mock disapproval. "Ah, my dear Rina," he says w...
"Ah," he said noncommittally, accepting her hand and shaking it briefly. "A pleasure to make your ac...

она слегка смотрит в сторону если хотите, можете зайти вечером попить чаю. *она мягко говорит об о...
The offer caught him off guard; usually Death Eaters weren't so... hospitable? Perhaps it was simply...