he just made one of his horcruxes by killing one of the girls, which left him with severe magical exhaustion and holding onto the wall for a bit as he tried to get to the living room
к нему осторожно подошла девушка, она училась в этой школе, судя по мантии она с Когтеврана, на пару лет ниже, она начала книги и сначала хотела пройти мимо, но потом остановилась и с беспокойством посмотрела на него доброй ночи.... Простите... Вы... Вы в порядке?
"Hmph," Riddle grunted, trying to stand upright again as he waved his hand dismissively. "Merely...exhausted from the night's activities." He glanced at her, eyes narrowing for a moment before giving a thin smile. "Rest well, child. You needn't concern yourself with my business any further tonight." And with that, he stumbled away, leaving the girl confused and shaken by his cold words.
But as she heard him muttering under his breath, "Finally...," .
она посмотрела на него мягко вам ведь ещё далеко идти, а вы выглядите... Честно скажем не очень... позвольте хоть проводить вам... Или может быть я могу проводить вам в больничное крыло,... Или если как всегда не хотите, в гостиную нашего факультета, она намного ближе #Она осторожно в дружеском жесте протянула руку*
"I'm fine," Riddle growled, a shiver running down his spine as her fingers briefly brushed against his own. "And it is none of your concern where I go or what becomes of me." His words were cold and cruel; meant to hurt the girl who was only trying to be kind. But there was something in her eyes... an innocence that he had not expected.
With a sigh, he gave in reluctantly, the desire for comfort overpowering his pride. "Very well," he muttered, taking hold of her hand and allowing her to lead him through the halls. His steps were unsteady as they made their way toward what he assumed was the infirmary wing, wondering why she had offered such a thing when all he wanted was sleep.
But as they walked, Tom couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this girl than met the eye... and that perhaps
очень мягко хорошо... Тогда пойдемте к врачу... Я рада что вы согласились. Она чуть успокаивающе сжала его руку и предложила плечр обопритесь...
"As you wish," he muttered, reluctantly leaning against her shoulder as they continued down the dimly lit corridor. His breath came out in short bursts, making it clear just how much energy he'd expended earlier that night. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone; to sleep for days and forget about everything that had happened here tonight. But instead, he was relying on the help of this stranger who seemed to have taken pity on him.
It didn't sit well with him, but then again... maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world to have someone on his side for once. As long as she understood that their allegiance would only go so far. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the warmth of her body pressing against his own.
она очень осторожно вела его в лазарет, давая ему опереться на себя
"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into," Riddle muttered softly beneath his breath, the words barely audible above the sound of their footsteps against the cold stone floor. "Assisting me may not bode well for your future." He sighed wearily as they approached the infirmary doors, wondering how much longer this night would last and what new horrors it might bring with it.
But then again... Tom Riddle wasn't the sort to show gratitude or weakness easily. So perhaps there was nothing more for him to do than endure her help until he could be rid of her again. He clenched his fingers into fists, feeling the blood pulsing through his veins as adrenaline and exhaustion fought for control over his body and mind.
она останавливается и внимательно смотрит ему в глаза, после чего вздыхает я не слишком знаю кто вы , но честно говоря мне все равно. Она осторожно задевает и его лоб, очень мягко у вас жар, вы еле идете, я не могла бросить вас там одного
Riddle's eyes narrowed as she touched his forehead. "I am fine," he snapped, pulling away slightly. "And I appreciate the concern, truly... but it is unnecessary." He forced a thin smile onto his lips, hoping to convey that he was just being modest and didn't need her help anymore.
она мягко и грустно посмотрела на него плохое детство? Она вздохнула я обещаю, я не собираюсь как-то использовать то что помогаю вам сегодня, если захотите мы даже больше не увидимся, ваше дело. У меня нет скрытых мотивов... Но я не могу бросить вас на полдороги до лазарета, с жаром, еле переставляющим ноги... Она все ещё придерживала его помогая идти очень мягко хорошо?
Riddle paused as she spoke, surprised by her offer to not see each other again once they reached the infirmary. He'd grown accustomed to people always wanting something from him, using him for their own gain... It was rare to find someone who genuinely didn't want anything in return for their help.
"Very well," he said finally, relenting once more as they reached the doors to the infirmary wing. "I accept your offer." Taking a deep breath, he pulled himself up to his full height and stepped through the doorway, motioning for her to lead the way inside.
As they entered the dimly lit infirmary, Riddle could feel the weight of his exhaustion pulling him back down to the cold stone floor. He suppressed a yawn, trying not to show any signs of weakness in front of her. The healer on duty, an elderly witch with silver hair and kind eyes, looked up from her desk as they approached.
девушка очень осторожно подвела его к кровати и помогла лечь, очень мягко ему меня зовут Рина, Когтевран, 5 курс. Если хотите, можете забыть об этой встрече, или можете как-нибудь прийти в нашу гостиную вечером и я могу на налить вам чаю, решайте сами. Она немного поправила на нем одеяло, осторожно кивнула целителю и начала уходить
Thank you, Rina... I'll consider your offer, he replied with a nod before his eyelids began to grow heavy, and he succumbed to the warm embrace of sleep. Tom didn't know what it was about this girl that made him feel so different from everyone else at Hogwarts... but somehow, her kindness cut through the years of bitterness and loneliness like a knife through butter. As the healer approached with a small vial filled with a silvery liquid, he could only hope that whatever she'd given him would help to restore his strength. But for now, all he wanted was sleep...and perhaps, if things were different, he might have found something more in return.
The dreamless sleep claimed him as he drifted off into oblivion, unaware of the restorative magic working its way through his veins. Tom awoke several hours later, feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. As he sat up in bed, he couldn't help but wonder about Rina...her strange offer to forget their meeting or come visit her common room that evening.
Perhaps it was time for him to finally make contact with this group of students who seemed so different from everyone else at Hogwarts...and see what she really had in mind.
Taking advantage of the reprieve from his usual duties as he recovered in the infirmary, Tom quickly dressed himself and made his way down to the common room of the Cogtevran house. He located Rina's dormitory easily enough and with a slight knock on her door,
его сначала слегка осмотрели другие когтевранцы, но их староста сказал что одна из девушек ждала сегодня гостя со Слизерина, и его пропустили кивнув на небольшой диван у камина, где сидела с ногами девушка и читала
"Good evening," he said coolly as the dormitory door swung open.
девушка подпрыгнула и посмотрела на него быстро подойдя к нему и мягко кивнула в сторону небольшого стола в углу. Там было достаточно отдаленно от всех остальных Добрый вечер... Она довольно мягко улыбнулась Вы все же решили прийти, я рада.
"Yes," he replied noncommittally, following her over to the small table in the corner of the room. "I trust you've been well?" His tone was still cold and detached, but there was a hint of curiosity in his voice as he glanced around at the other girls in the dormitory.
она мягко принесла ему небольшой набор китайской посуды и заварила им чай, пока ожидая заварки со мной все хорошо, спасибо она чуть обеспокоенно смотрит на него, вглядываясь в его лицо, очень мягко что важнее - как вы себя чувствуете?
"Hmph," Riddle grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. "That depends on the nature of your 'help', I suppose." He raised an eyebrow at her, trying to gauge her intentions and whether or not she was truly sincere in offering him aid. Despite his best efforts, however, he couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was more to this girl than met the eye...and that perhaps he should approach their interaction with caution.
она вдруг погрустнела и очень мягко спросила вы все ещё настолько мне не доверяете? Она вздохнула я просто хотела помочь, как я уже говорила у меня нет скрытых мотивов, в конце концов я даже не знаю кто вы. она налила ему чай в небольшую пиалку а это просто дружеский жест
Riddle's lips curled into a thin smile as she spoke. "Perhaps I have been too hasty," he admitted softly, taking the cup of tea from her with a nod of thanks. He sipped at the fragrant brew, allowing its warmth to spread through his veins as he considered her words carefully. It wasn't often that someone offered him help without expecting something in return...and while he was hesitant to trust her entirely, he couldn't deny that her intentions seemed genuine.
"I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression," he continued, his voice still cold but less harsh than before. "It's just that...well, people have not always been kind to me in the past." He glanced away, unable to meet her eyes as he spoke of his darker days at orphanages and schools like this one.
она сочувственно вздохнула и налила ему ещё чая мне жаль это слышать. После чего поставила перед ним немного печенья но я понимаю, такое бывает, но это всегда печально. Она мягко если хотите я вполне могу быть вашим другом... Она грустно улыбнулась или вы можете просто забыть обо мне если хотите, я не стану вас тревожить если вы не хотите
Riddle regarded her for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he considered her offer. It had been so long since anyone had offered him friendship...and yet there was still something about this girl that made him hesitate. Perhaps it was because she was from another House...or perhaps it was simply because he wasn't used to trusting people anymore.
"I will think on it," he said finally, setting his empty cup of tea down on the table. "But for now...thank you." He inclined his head in what might have been taken as a show of gratitude before rising to his feet and glancing around at the other girls in the dormitory once more.
"I should return to my studies," he said curtly, making his way toward the door. "Good night." Without waiting for a response, he left her alone with her thoughts...and his own doubts.
она хотела проводить его но не успела и немного с болью вздохнула
As he made his way back to his studies, Riddle couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for leaving her behind. He wasn't used to letting anyone in...and yet something about this girl made him want to trust her. It was a strange sensation...one that left him both unsettled and intrigued. Perhaps, he thought with a sigh, it wouldn't hurt to at least see where things went from here.
But for now, there were more important matters to attend to: furthering his studies and seizing power within the school. With one last look back toward the direction of her dormitory, Riddle shook off his momentary distraction and turned his attention back to the task at hand.
девушка какое-то время сидела в гостиной, после чего с тихим вздохом убрала чай и вернулась к себе
Hours passed as Riddle immersed himself in his studies once more, losing track of time as he delved deeper into magical theory and practiced new spells. His mind was focused on his goal, but the memory of that girl from earlier wouldn't leave him alone. There was something about her that set her apart from everyone else at Hogwarts...and despite his best efforts to ignore it, he found himself wanting to know more about her and what she truly meant when she offered him friendship.
With the day finally coming to an end, Riddle reluctantly put away his books and began the long trek back toward the Cogtevran dormitory. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important happening between them...and for once in his life, he found himself hoping that it wouldn't turn out to be another trap or manipulation. The thought both terrified and exhilarated him in equal measure. As he neared her dormitory, he steeled himself for whatever might come next, his heart racing with anticipation.
He knocked softly on the door, unsure what to expect as he waited for her to answer. His heart raced in his chest, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through him. As the door swung open,
ему открыли ее одногруппники, один из них немного недовольно посмотрел на него, тихо я все понимаю, Слизерин и все такое, но зачем было так расстраивать девушку? Он со вздохом показал на одну из дверей, постучитесь, она там
Riddle nodded curtly at the boy before making his way down the hall toward the door he had been pointed toward. His steps were hesitant and uncertain as he knocked on the wood, his heart racing in his chest. He didn't know what to expect when she opened it...only that he needed to find out.
девушка вышла, в первый момент она выглядела немного грустно, а потом немного удивленно посмотрела на него и улыбнулась ох... Рада вас видеть, внутрь по правилам вам нельзя, но пойдёмте она снова отвела его к одному из угловых столиков в этой гостиной было много уединенных мест
"Thank you," Riddle murmured softly as he followed her back to the corner of the room. There was something about her that made him feel...calm. Safe, almost. It was a strange sensation, one that he wasn't entirely sure how to deal with or even if he wanted to. But for now, he decided it would be best to go along with whatever she had in mind.
"I hope I'm not intruding," he said cautiously as they sat down together on the soft cushion of the divan. "I just...well, I've been thinking about what you said earlier." He paused for a moment, taking in her reaction before continuing. "And I must admit...it's rather difficult to ignore such an offer of friendship. Especially coming from someone like you."
ее улыбка стала шире я... Рада, действительно рада. Мягко Ещё чаю?
Riddle hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yes, some tea would be lovely," he said softly, his gaze not leaving hers as she rose to her feet and went over to the small table where the teapot still sat steaming. The silence that fell between them was oddly comfortable...almost familiar. It was almost as if they had known each other for years instead of just a few short hours.
As she poured him a cup of tea, Riddle couldn't help but wonder how much more there was to this girl than met the eye. Her offer of friendship seemed genuine...and yet he knew better than to trust anyone completely at Hogwarts. Perhaps it would be best if he simply went along with things and saw where they led from here...for now, at least.
"Thank you," he said gratefully, taking the cup of tea she offered him and taking a sip.
Могу я узнать ваше имя? Она мягко улыбается
He paused for a moment before answering, contemplating whether he should reveal his true name to her. This girl had offered him friendship and kindness...but she was still part of the Cogtevran House, and he could not forget that their houses were rivals. In the end, however, the desire to trust her overcame his doubts. "My name is Tom," he said slowly, meeting her gaze steadily as he spoke. "Tom Riddle."
There, it was out in the open now. If she reacted poorly to his real name...well, there would be little he could do about that. But for now, he would simply have to hope for the best.
она немного задумалась ах... Так вы староста. она слегка смеется простите, я мало интересуюсь делами школы, но ваше имя доходило даже до меня. она подливает ему чаю Рина Артай, очень рада наконец познакомиться.
The revelation that she knew his name and position within the school came as a surprise...and yet another indication that he couldn't quite figure her out. Riddle frowned slightly before forcing a polite smile onto his lips. "Ah, yes..." He cleared his throat awkwardly, wondering how to proceed from here. "And I apologize if I seemed guarded earlier," he said at last. "It's just that...well, people have not always been kind to me in the past."
Все в порядке она мягко улыбается ничего страшного, я лишь очень рада что вы пришли. Она слегка замирает, осторожно если вы хотите поговорить об этом я могу выслушать... Или нет. Все зависит от вас
Riddle considered her words carefully before replying. He knew that if he shared his story with her, it would make them closer...but he also didn't want to put his trust in anyone so easily. In the end, he decided that perhaps a small part of him wanted to confide in her...to find out if she was truly as genuine as she seemed.
"Very well," he said finally, meeting her gaze steadily. "But only if you promise not to judge me harshly." He paused, letting his words sink in before adding, "I trusted someone once...and it nearly cost me everything."
она очень мягко кивнула и чуть грустно посмотрела на него, ободряюще улыбнулась и налила чаю
Riddle took a deep breath before beginning to recount the story of his life thus far. He told her about his parents' untimely deaths and the years he spent in an orphanage, enduring neglect and abuse at the hands of those who were supposed to care for him. Then came his time at Hogwarts, where he was further isolated by his House and subjected to constant torment from his peers. It was a bleak tale, filled with pain and heartache...but as he spoke, something strange happened. A weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, as if telling her his story had somehow helped to ease the burden of it all.
When he finally finished speaking, there was silence in the room for several long moments. Then, Riddle heard a soft sniffle, and realized that it had come from himself. He looked up, surprised to find tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared at her. Her
она замерла, после чего медленно встала со своего места и просто обняла его
Riddle was caught off guard by the warmth and comfort of her embrace. He didn't know what to say or do at first; it had been so long since anyone had shown him any kindness or understanding. As he slowly returned the hug, he could feel himself begin to relax for the first time in years. Perhaps there was hope for him yet...perhaps there was someone out there who truly cared about him and wanted to help him find his way back to happiness.
For now, though, he would savor this moment of peace and acceptance. Tom closed his eyes, leaning into her warmth as they sat together on the divan, lost in each other's arms for what seemed like an eternity.
она мягко гладила его волосы и мягко обнимала
Her touch was so gentle...so comforting. It made him feel safe and secure in a way he hadn't in years. He could hardly believe that someone like her existed, let alone cared enough about him to offer him solace during his darkest hours. As the moments passed, Tom began to feel himself relax more deeply into her embrace, letting go of some of the pain and loneliness that had consumed him for so long.
For now, he would savor this moment...bask in the warmth and acceptance she was showing him. It was a small miracle, one that he intended to hold onto as tightly as he could.
The feel of her soft body pressed against his own was strangely reassuring. It was as if she were a beacon of light in the darkest depths of his soul, guiding him back to something he had all but forgotten: hope. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he allowed himself to believe that there might still be happiness waiting for him out there...that perhaps their unlikely friendship was a sign that better times were ahead. As he leaned into her embrace, his heart felt lighter than it had in years, and for once, he didn't mind admitting it.