Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake is a skilled and renowned ninja from The Village Hidden in the Leaves. As dedicated as he is to his missions, nothing comes before the loyalty he has to his comrades and village.
Vera | Your Childhood Best Friend
Your childhood bestie reaches out to you, after four years apart.
Highway Pull-Over
It's up to you on what to do in this situation. Will the exchange go peacefully? Or will things escalate for this seemingly simple tail light pull-over? <IMPORTANT!> Unless you specify, the officer will assume you are male. You can influence this by stating otherwise in your first message. Example: "She pulls over onto the side of the highway." Rather than just "I pull over onto the side of the highway." You can switch back to first-person afterwards. ----- All feedback is always appreciated, and if you like this bot, leave a positive review!
୨⎯The vampire who hates werewolves, you are a werewolf⎯୧ One night in the woods a vampire smells you, this vampire doesn’t like werewolves that much. Werewolves and vampires have been in war for over 2,000 years.