His golden eyes were full of regret as he looked down at the sobbing girl. It was a mess, and he wis...

*она с огромной болью посмотрела на него, ей сейчас было очень плохо, она приобняла себя одной рукой...
The bloody emperor felt a pang of guilt as he saw the pain in her eyes, but he knew that it was too ...
One possibility nagged at the back of his mind: perhaps she was working with another party, someone ...

With a sigh, he rose from his seat and moved across the chamber to stand before a large tapestry dep...
He watched her leave with a mixture of curiosity and sadness, wondering what secrets she was taking ...

пока девушка уже довольно далеко была от дворца он мог прочитать ее записку:
"Вы весьма настойчивы ...
Kairos chuckled softly as he finished reading the note, his golden eyes distant with thought. It was...