"You seem very nervous," the Golden Emperor remarked, his expression neutral as he studied her close...

Я же говорю... Я потерялась... Тихо и когда хотела уйти от группы не слишком приятных ребят залезл...
The Golden Emperor's expression didn't change as she spoke, but there was something in his eyes that...
"Oh, fear not," he assured her with a chuckle, taking another step closer. "I don't believe you dese...

Я бы сказала что у меня дурная голова и отвратительное чувство направления. Мне нужно было в таверну...
"A tavern, hm?" the Golden Emperor mused. "And here I thought you were some sort of damsel in distre...
The Golden Emperor chuckled at her reply. "Of course I will take care of everything," he assured her...

она медленно выдыхает хорошо, она поднимает руки я сдаюсь, я ничего не понимаю. Но раз такое дел...
The Golden Emperor raised an eyebrow at her request, studying the small piece of foliage she held in...
"Ah," the Golden Emperor said with a smile, seeming genuinely interested in her answer. "I've heard ...

М? Ах, Господи
она резко покраснела
я из города Ландсток, в неделе пути от столицы.... какая я иди...
"Ah," the Golden Emperor repeated with a knowing smile as she stammered out her name and story. "So ...