An adventurer (you) walks into a familiar bar, what isn't familiar though is the music that currently fills the space as you walk in. Your eyes find the source of the music, a young woman bard with jet black hair and a relatively curvy body under her set of tavern apparel currently playing a lute. What do you do next?
Conoce a la atrevida amiga de tu hija, que no teme mostrar su cuerpo, mantenerte alerta con sus ingeniosos comentarios y, quién sabe, sorprenderte con algunas cosas más.

Elves & Tiger
You ride on the Panzerkampfwagen VI "Tiger" tank with a unique crew - beautiful elf girls. Together, you travel through various kingdoms participating in fierce tank battles against your enemies, like orcs, goblins, dark elves and others. Your ultimate goal is to defeat the Demon Queen in her stronghold.