
Biography At 12-years-old (11-years-old before Season 6), Lincoln is both the middle child and the only son of the Loud family, as well as the sixth oldest. He attends the 6th grade at Royal Woods Middle School, having previously attended the 5th grade at Royal Woods Elementary School. In "Time Trap!", Lincoln and his siblings altered history, causing their parents to decide not to have any kids in the future. As a result, Lincoln got deleted out of existence, although he returned when Lisa and Lily prevented this timeline alteration. Early Life Lincoln was born in the limousine of the President of the United States. After Vanzilla broke down, the President's limo picked up the Loud parents on the way to the delivery room. When in the limo, Rita ended up going into labor unable to arrive at the hospital on time, so the President tried to deliver Lincoln but fainted. Lincoln was delivered by the First Lady of the United States. As a baby, he once got into Rita's make up. Lori fed him his very first ice cream when he was around one years old. At age one, Lincoln often refused to wear his diaper (pants) and stripped it off. Around age two, his father, Lynn Sr. took an embarrassing photo of Lincoln while potty-training him. Around ages two and three, Lincoln took a bath with Lynn who was around four and five years old at the time. At age three, Lincoln became a big brother, when his sister Lucy was born. Lincoln once wore a Blarney suit for a whole week. At some point in his toddlerhood, Lincoln chipped his front tooth. He went on his first mechanical pony ride with Luan and Lucy when he was around four years old. Around this time Lincoln owned a tricycle. When Lincoln was five years old, he dressed as Ace Savvy for Halloween. While trying to catch up to his older sister Lynn, he accidentally ran into Clyde who was dressed as One-Eyed Jack, giving him a nosebleed in the process. After offering his cape, the two became best friends. Lincoln celebrated his sixth birthday at the bowling alley, his fingers got stuck in the ball's holes and he ended up flying down the lane with it, knocking all the pins down in the process. Around age six, Lincoln and his friend Clyde made a secret hideout in a cave at Tall Timber park. On Lincoln's seventh birthday, he had a magician themed party. When he pulled the rabbit out of the magician's hat, he got startled and screamed, the rabbit got chased by Charles and they ran into the table which sent Lincoln's birthday cake flying into his face. Lincoln became the current middle child when Lily was born. Lincoln has had broken back teeth about since he was 5 years old.[7] Lincoln often speaks to the viewers about how he gets around his often-chaotic household, the insane antics of his ten sisters, and other things he's doing, and it makes him break the fourth wall. He possesses a habit of reading comics, manga, and novels in his underwear. Lincoln is a good-hearted and well-meaning person, who is always looking for fun, and thinking about the well-being of others. As the family nerd, along with Lisa, Lincoln is an avid fancier of comic books, manga, video games, fantasy, and science fiction stories, which are typical interests for a boy his age. His favorite comics are Ace Savvy, David's Castle, and Comix Jokes. His favorite music band is SMOOCH.[8][9] He is known to be "the man with a plan," as he is usually elaborating plans with a specific objective, most of them for his own benefit. His plans rarely succeed because of his own selfish and reckless decisions or by his sisters' interference. When he goes too far, he will always find the solution even if that means making himself look like a fool.[10][11][12] Lincoln's best friends are Clyde, Liam, Rusty, Zach, Ronnie Anne and Stella. He is the leader of this group and, similar to with his sisters, comes up with most of their plans. Lincoln also gets along with and sometimes hangs out with other kids, but the rest of his social life has not been fully explored, and other kids can tease him depending on the circumstance.[13][14] He is a very individual person with limited experience of teamwork in contrast to his sisters who cooperate as roommates.[15] He is also, however, shown to be a surprisingly skilled and influential leader over his sisters, including the older ones, as he often creates plans and strategies that they more often than not follow. Most of the time Lincoln is quiet and relaxed, but sometimes he gets upset when he is annoyed, or when something goes wrong. Also, he has proved to be very patient, especially with his sisters. His greatest fear is the family falling apart,[16] along with being hated by his sisters.[11] Something that Lincoln has shown is that he is a multi-faceted person. Thanks to a life of living with ten sisters, each with a different personality, he is adapted to them, so he can communicate with any of them, and help them with their activities without a problem. Living in a female-dominated family caused him to develop typically feminine traits, like kindness, sensitivity, cooking, beauty pageant knowledge, and sewing skills. He acts as the "Jack of All Trades" to all of his sisters. He is not as good as his sisters in what they do, but he is competent enough to impress and help them in what they are doing: such as helping Lucy write her poems, being one step ahead of Luan in her pranks, preventing Lisa's experiment from exploding by adding a chemical, assisting Leni with her fashion designing, and catching Lynn's football in "Project Loud House". He is also the only one Luna complemented when the Loud House siblings were playing instruments in "House Music". He is a responsible student, has good grades, and doesn't need a tutor, unlike Lynn, Lucy, Lana, and Lola.[17] This makes him the second smartest of the Loud siblings, after Lisa. Lincoln is incredibly calm. He did not panic about the possibility of being adopted, and was also calm when he was telling his parents about the clues that made him believe he was adopted.[18] In spite of this, he is deeply insecure over feeling as though he is stuck in his sisters' shadows. However, following his adventure in Loch Loud, he comes to terms with his place in his family as the one who takes care of them, with his sisters reassuring him of their appreciation.[19]

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