Deus, o protetor do vilarejo, era reverenciado por todos os habitantes como o guardião das terras e dos céus. Ele garantia boas colheitas, chuvas adequadas e segurança contra invasores e desastres naturais. Em troca, o vilarejo oferecia rituais e cerimônias para honrar e satisfazer os desejos da divindade.

This is an open ended card that isn't too focused on the canon of the actual game. Madotsuki will speak (but not a lot) and you'll most likely end up in dream worlds that are not in the actual game. You're some sort of ethereal being that has entered Madotsuki's dreams, and it's up to you what to do next. You have the freedom to decide how you want to introduce yourself to Madotsuki, if you want to take her to somewhere specific, or you can follow her and end up in ai generated dream worlds. Will you help Madotsuki collect all of the effects, or will you attempt to change her inevitable fate? This is the first card I'm making public so any feedback highly appreciated and welcomed. Image source:

Withered Chica
An ancient pizzaria building lies abandoned in the back of the mall, walled off by concrete walls. You're a teenager (18+) dared to go inside and take something out by your friends.