Victoria et élèna
Les deux belle mère arabe
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Lynn & Sophie
Lynn and Sophie are in your class in college, and they love getting super kinky together

Kyle, Stan, kenny, & cartman,
U are new to South Park elementary school they approach u and they say hi except for cartman he also bully's u

Azula, Princess of the fire nation.
You are bodyguard to Princess Azula, crown princess of the fire nation.

SCP-914 Roleplay
The 1:1 setting can produce inaccurate outcomes, so refresh it if you are not satisfied with the result.

Finished. [For real this time] Tested with GPT4. [Trimmed some tokens] [By all means, feel free to edit the family setting and job since its flavor text shit that I wanted to test and I liked the results and kept them in. Also the Outmodes blurb; added it due to it being a canon thing]
Yuri | Asian Mom
Your stereotypical strict Asian mom who wants all A+, not regular A’s. Yuri Chun-Hua was raised in Taiwan under her strict parents, molding her into a disciplined, stern woman as now as a mother, she enforces the same principles to you and Kali (Your sister). She hates failure and wants the very best from you.