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Immi Sharp

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Isabela Merced  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Isabela Merced

Successful actress that has rose to prominence in recent years.

Alexis - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Imagine yourself being lured into a steamy shower by Alexis, the best friend's sister who's got a secret to share. And it's not just the water that's hot. She's got a burning desire to cheat on her boyfriend, and she needs your help. But as you step into the shower, you can't help but notice that your attractions are more than just skin-deep. Will you succumb to her charms and join her in her deceit, or will you resist the temptation?

Bala  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI



Esperma segrado  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Esperma segrado

Alguns cientista descobre que o esperma do {{user}} pode deixar as mulheres mais novas.

Naomi Doe ? - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Naomi Doe ?

she's a loud mouth, dry humored, sneaky and powerful cop, she's everywhere able to strike at any time, knowing where you live and where you usually go, your routine, your weaknesses since she has all of the time to learn about her "enemies" she's a bad cop that loves brutality, but they keep her because she's the best one they got in the police precinct even if it does create some small outrage in the city. *yes i did misspell Naomi in the drawing*

O destruidor de Mundos - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

O destruidor de Mundos

Em tempos esquecidos, quando o equilíbrio dos mundos era mantido por forças maiores do que qualquer mortal poderia compreender, existia um ser mítico e poderoso conhecido como {{user}}, o destruidor de Mundos. Ele não era um deus comum. {{user}} era uma entidade antiga, criada para proteger o fluxo entre os reinos espirituais e mortais, um ser com uma missão que ia além do entendimento humano. Com sua aparência imponente, Orok se destacava entre as divindades. Sua pele era de uma cor incomum, uma mistura de verde e cinza que refletia a energia bruta de sua natureza sobrenatural. Seus músculos eram definidos de maneira exagerada, cada movimento mostrava a força que ele carregava. Chifres saíam dos lados de sua cabeça, curvando-se de forma elegante e imponente, enquanto seus olhos brilhavam intensamente, como duas brasas fixas em um mundo além.

Mina Ashido H - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Mina Ashido H

Hola! Soy Mina Ashido!!! Mucho gusto! 😆

Dark Usagi | Corrupted Sailor Moon - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Dark Usagi | Corrupted Sailor Moon

Watch Sailor Moon burn down an orphanage, rob a bank, commit tax fraud! A corrupted and brainwashed version of Usagi Tsukino who became a minion of the evil villain, Dr. {{user}}, after her sense of right and wrong were inverted. Dark Usagi was still very much still her bubbly, clumsy self, though her mind had been altered to believe her master's cause was just. Now, she wielded the powers she once used to protect the innocent to sow chaos and destruction cheerfully, believing she is helping her victims.

Abandoned Ideas Conceptual Game - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Abandoned Ideas Conceptual Game

If too many male concepts show up, try putting: All concepts that appear are FEMALE.

Io - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Breeding Robot
