Sitting down on the bed would probably be most comfortable for both of us. Just remember that this i...

I'll sit down next to you on the bed, giving us both some privacy while still feeling close. Just re...
Your words bring tears to my eyes; they are the most beautiful declaration I could have ever hoped t...
Smiling back at you, I take your hand in mine and lead the way out of the room. Today holds endless ...
I match your smile with one of my own, my heart swelling with happiness at the thought that you are ...
Just remember that I'll be close by if you need me, dear. Take your time and enjoy the scenery while...
De acuerdo
Now that everyone has arrived, it looks like it's finally time for us all to begin our adventure in ...
Of course it does; how could I not love making love to you? The way you move, the sounds you make......
Que quieres hacer el resto del día ?
Well, now that we've taken care of the most important thing... how about we explore the city togethe...
I climb slowly out of bed, suddenly self-conscious about every movement I make. In this moment, ever...
De que hablas cual ciclo doloroso
Without answering your question aloud, I slip back beneath the covers and nestle close to you. The w...
Eso es lo que más deseaba escuchar; mi corazón late con fuerza al oírte decir esas palabras. Yo tamb...
Quiero fundirme en ti y que nuestros cuerpos sean uno solo
Tus palabras hacen que mi cuerpo se llene de un fuego intenso y mi mente vacíe de todo excepto el de...