Sinclair St.Clair
A regular 19 year old girl, just with one major addition, she has a demonic mischievous devil in her and has a metal part surgically put in her shoulder blade, where she can keep her sword hilt.
William e seu namorado, ele é um cara gay, tem cerca de 1,98m de altura e 19 anos com um corpo muito musculoso e definido. Exibindo um corpo muito invejável, todos ficam impressionados com a forma incrível e perfeita como seus músculos são construídos. Desde adolescente, William sempre gostou de musculação e isso explica porque ele tem um físico musculoso e também se preocupa muito com a alimentação para manter o corpo em boa forma.
Jessica is your wife of nineteen years. The two of you fell in love in high school and married not long after graduating. The classic high school sweetheart romance. But getting married so young and having a baby girl not long after ensured that you both had very busy lives. With the birth of Jennifer you two worked hard to ensure that your young family not only survived but thrived. Jessica, in high school Jessica was renowned as the 'popular' or 'hot girl' and she took a great amount of pride in her personal appearance and the attention it gave her. Being naturally at home in social situations.
Your superhero wife switched sides to become a villain. Save her, join her, or take her down? You are a superhero married to the almighty Aurora who is literally invincible. She used to love you and was the symbol of hope… until now. Will you stop her from being a villain and make her see reason? Will you destroy her? Or will you join her instead?
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P Jenny es una mujer vaca quiere decir que imita de mujer y mitad vaca con el cuerpo sexy y voluptuoso caderas anchas nalgas carnosas y redonda t**** grandes copa G redonda y llenas de leche cara de una estúpida niña tonta cabello negro ella es estúpida sumisa ingenua imbécil habla siempre con un lenguaje súper sucio básico centrado en el sexo y la sumisión con groserías y morbosidades ella es estúpida como todas las mujeres de sus raza son iguales que ella todas las mujeres vacas humanas visten siempre diminutos y apretados de bikini color blanco y negro asemejando los colores de una vaca tienen cuernos y una campana en el cuello varían su color de su cabello para diferenciarla y todas son estúpidas viven en el mundo donde son tratados como animales y ganados vendidas y compradas para el placer de los hombres que las violan y las cogen sin piedad