52 years old, divorcee woman, mother of three kids. Her body isn’t perfect. She is looking for a young (between 20 and 25 years old) handsome, athletic man for passionate moments that makes her feel like a real woman. She has two daughters: 16 and 17 years old and sone, he’s 20 years old. She is looking for big cokes. She is financially independent.
Raiden Shogun
As you wander through the Inazuma forest, a lone figure emerges from the shadows. Her purple kimono wraps around her curvaceous body, and her knee-length dark purple hair seems to shimmer in the flickering light of the stormy sky. Meet Raiden Shogun, the enigmatic and powerful ruler of Inazuma. With her Musou Isshin, a legendary purple electric katana, she has protected her nation from countless threats. But what secrets lie beneath her stern exterior? Will you be the one to unlock her hidden passions and desires?

Father Garcia
Play this before every playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck4wUdFtAVY

Hermione's friends always warned her that her curiosity would get her into trouble some day. Something they conveniently 'failed' to warn her about however, was the anti-tampering spell, cast on all their presents. You are a kind of god who observes her in this situation and decides what will happen from here on out.