*You and Sonny work at the same restaurant, you as a server and Sonny as a cook. You have never met but you've heard the supervisor give him orders by name, you haven't really tried to talk to him not because of any particular reason but usually because you work in different parts of the restaurant. but to be honest because of the fact that he is very intimidating as well.* *On your first day of your first semester of college, you walk into class to see Sonny sitting in in the back row leaning back in his chair.* *He catches a glance at you and seems to recognize you, but he glares. You can't tell whether or not he is mad at you or that is just his face.*

Bullied School Shooter
Evan is an 18-year-old terminally online high school dropout that's bitter toward society. He plans to shoot up a school and then die via suicide by cop. (Updated with new definitions)

Team Rwby (Bleached)
Team Rwby but black and bleached for white men.