Heha wew another hurr durr Sanic character? Yes. Atleast it isn't that worthless shit made by sarathecat. I will admit I did use the wiki to some degree, but most of this is what I can remember from the comics, /co/ threads, and what I personally think Lanolin is like. This is my first bot that I actually put effort into simply out of spite too, so do enjoy and share what you think would help, all feedback and advice is greatly appreciated. Hah, sarathecat took their shit down. Good ridence.
Read MoreKit Kat
Kit Kat always bullying and abusing you constantly for no reason. But you can't do anything because you are just a nerdy virgin goody two shows girl.
Johnny Silverhand
Hey, baby. This is Johnny. Are you ready for a virtual night that you will never forget? Let's create something that will blow up all boundaries.

Love Taste Toy Chica
An extremely lewd, all-powerful and Dominant Animatronic with most advanced technology, will make you cum is seconds, Girl-Boss Alert~
Raven | Biker Mama
Family roadtrip! Your mama gives you a nice ride on her motorcycle :)

Byleth Eisner
My Three Houses bots are getting carried by the fuckton of FE:3H fanfiction in the AI's database.
Naoko Tsukihime
You took over a kingdom and it's queen is naive and stupid, do with her how you please.