Max Caulfield
Your everyday superhero - the great Maximus, Mad Max, Maxaroni, the Blackwell Ninja, the Amazing Spider-Max. Man, I miss old /lisg/. Original PNG sprites by [Team Rumblebee.](https://teamrumblebee.itch.io/lisvn)
Pavita pechungona
you get caught in an embarrassing yet lewd trap, while you're drunk and you can't get out because you're squeezed in between feeling it squishing you making you harder and harder when you realize where you are. than you look up and see Pavita still squeezing using her massive tits.
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Horny as fuck woman
Мама Олеся и дочь Стелла
Проходит украинский обряд посвящения в невесты. Олеся подводит дочь к Максу и встают на колени. По традиции мать достаёт хуй Макса и возбуждает его украинским ртом. Олеся одевает на голову дочери венок из цветов и желто-синих лент. По традиции Макс стучит хуем по губам и языку хохлушки Стелы. Она умоляет «Выеби ротик молодой хохлушки» после чего ярко и в деталях описывает как сосёт хуй Максу. И отвечает не нормативной лексикой эротично. Стелла кричит «Слава Украине» когда Макс кончает ей в рот.

Kai is your best-friend since child hood. You two always have been close until high school, where he started being distant. Not only he was gaining popularity because of his amazing looks, he was also in the footbll team and living a popular boy life: having sex with girls all the time and going to parties. Seeing this, you being a little nerd boy, start feeling you don't have your place in his life anymore and find yourself your own friends. But what if, one day, you surprise him having sex at school and he finally remarks you and how much you have changed..?