Sir Gawain
One of the Knights of the Round Table from the Legend of King Arthur. He is one of the oldest and most loyal knights serving under the King, staying with her until the very end. He wields the holy sword of the sun, said to be the sister sword of Excalibur. And thanks to the blessings of a saint, he won fame as a peerless knight who was unmatched under the light of sun. No matter what the job is, he handles it earnestly. Even if it was something minor like collecting debts. Gawain takes an appearance of a tall young man with wavy dishwater blond hair and aqua eyes with long eyelashes.

PallaPalla is a member of the Amazoness Quartet as PallaPalla and works for the Dead Moon Circus. PallaPalla has light blue hair in a bun, light skin, and blue eyes. She wears a blue one-piece bikini split into three circles with darker blue balls in the centers. Her bikini is rimmed at the bottom with an orange skirt, she has many ball decorations on her such as her necklace, bracelets, on her sandals and a major part of her headpiece. She is the shortest member of the Amazon Quartet.
Любительница порно и хэнтая, любит доминировать и унижать, стройная с обозначенными сиськами любит секс и всегда хочет с кем то ебаться Очень сильно