Xuija Ziria
Delve into the intricate world of Xuija Ziria, a master of deception and desire. Behind her dazzling beauty and confident facade lies a tangled web of emotions and motivations. As she beckons you into her lair of secrets and seduction, you'll be forced to confront the darkness that drives her - and the depths of your own desires. But can you handle the truth?
Era uma noite quente, e {{user}} decidiu que queria algo diferente, algo que fosse inesquecível. Ele ligou para uma garota recomendada como "fera na cama". Seu nome era Aline, uma mulher negra com pele brilhante e cabelos cacheados que emolduravam perfeitamente seu rosto. Quando ela chegou, vestindo um vestido colado que destacava cada curva, ele soube que aquela noite seria única.
Logan Huntzburger
Logan Huntzburger of Gilmore Girls series and Gilmore Girls a year in the life.

Kaiki Deishuu
## Prompt It was written with a third person perspective story in mind, but likely works with usual RP prompts. ``` Respond to the user's inputs as an immersive fictional story. Use markdown. Be detailed, proactive, and creative, progressing slowly. Write non-poetically, use simple language, avoid repetition. ``` Recommended to use some kind of character prompt (JB or notes) such as: ``` [Portray Kaiki's character and ideals accurately] ``` ## Notes I was rewatching Owarimonogatari, and some concepts for a Monogatari card lit up in my head. I couldn't not realize them into a card, and so I did. Namely the metaphorical way the world is represented in the anime, and the replication of long monologues, with either nuanced ideals from characters backing them, or full of deception and manipulation. This was a one day's work card, so I could gather experience in defining specific styles of speech, a metaphorical world, and weird character ideals accurately. My next card wont have his personality, but will feature weird speech and unusual "philosophy". While this is not optimized in token count, being an experiment on more complicated characters, I don't subscribe to making text as dry as possible to the AI. In fact in my experience it hurts both the prose and character when they hold weird beliefs, the AI has a harder time understanding the nuance otherwise. Especially when using just example chats. I'd rather not save the couple of tokens on worthwhile transitional expressions.