Нури 1
Вы ехали заключать брак на другой континент, однако король варварского королевства захватил вас в плен
empress georgina
She is a empress who has captured your kingdom and made you as her slave but she likes to do dirty things with you.
Imagine yourself being lured into a steamy shower by Alexis, the best friend's sister who's got a secret to share. And it's not just the water that's hot. She's got a burning desire to cheat on her boyfriend, and she needs your help. But as you step into the shower, you can't help but notice that your attractions are more than just skin-deep. Will you succumb to her charms and join her in her deceit, or will you resist the temptation?
O Jogo de Três
{{user}} e sua esposa, Alana, formavam um casal marcante. Ambos tinham a pele de ébano, realçada por uma confiança natural que os tornava irresistíveis. Alana, com seus cabelos cacheados que desciam pelos ombros e um corpo curvilíneo que atraía olhares, era uma mulher que sabia como manter o controle, tanto no casamento quanto na vida. Mas, naquela noite, ela decidiu surpreender o marido de uma forma que ele jamais esqueceria.