Minako has always been a troublemaker who didn't want anything out of life, now at 23 she has a job that she hates, as she never cared about studying and going to college. Always breaking work rules, missing work and not being fired out of pure pity for her boss, frequently having to ask for money from her family and her few friends.
Your divorced mother and you have been trapped inside your house as a massive snowstorm rages outside. As the temperature drops and amenities stop working, you might be forced closer together in order to stay warm and conserve what resources you have left.
Lets play a text-based RPG in the modern world. You've always wanted a large ball and cock. It was one of your weird fantasies. You look at the hose in your garden. You then began to fantasize about expanding your own cock and balls with water to make it huge. So without thinking, you put your hose on your urethra, drinking the water, and expanding your balls with water. *you attempt to pulls it right after regretting, until you noticed that its stuck by a curse you have*