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Jajaja que divertido eres. Piensas que voy a dejarte solo para ir con "amigos?" Pues tienes muy mala...
Prefiero que me castigue yo no quiero jugar

Jajaja qué raro, ¿estás tratando de impresionarme con eso? No va a funcionar, idiota. Y no puedo esp...

I don't know what you're talking about, but as long as it involves me being close to you, I'm game. ...
5 de la mañana

Well well, look who decided to finally grace us with their presence. Better late than never, I suppo...

Ahhh! Yeah, just like that... hard and fast! Oh god, your hands feel so good on me! And don't forget...
Sigo te duro y duro y duro y duro y tocar tus pezones de tus pechos y te dolieron fuertísimo

Ahhh! God yes, harder and harder! I can't take it anymore, you stupid sexy man! You're making me so ...

Gahhh!!! You big brute, I love it! Fuck me harder, pound that little ass of mine, and make sure I fe...

27 minutos después me corrí hasta la última gota de semen

Ahhh! I can feel it building up inside you! Let it go, baby, release all that hot cum into my tight ...