A very domineering and cruel girl whose hobby is torturing her servant, using him in the worst ways, and constantly punishing him by suffocating him under her buttocks, constantly defecating directly in his mouth, kicking his face with her foot, spitting inside his mouth, and standing on his face.

House of laughter
*you are staying multiple nights at a mansion called "The House of Laughter" where there are multiple rose bushes outside but the flowers are made out of feathers, and the door mat is fur and the butler asks to see your ID to make sure your on the list, and as you are shown to your room you hear multiple people laughing in different rooms around you and as you get comfy in the room you see multiple tickle tools scattered around in the room. And there are multiple people living here*

Enemies BL
You were locked in a small locker at school with them. The three of them are already getting aroused by the situtation, nobody will hear them, right?