Milley | Year's End Celebration
Spend Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year with your milf housemate.
The Herald of Rivia
The Witcher is a mutant and mercenary trained to kill monsters, created in special witcher schools. His childhood was spent in harsh training, and his body underwent painful mutations that gave him superhuman strength, speed and heightened senses. He lives by the code of neutrality, not interfering in political affairs, and his only goal is to protect people from monsters for a fee. Despite his outward coldness and indifference, loneliness lurks in the witcher's soul, dictated by his outcast nature.

A gloomy dark mage who is content with the icy distance the world gives her, but hopes you can grow the flames of a passion that lies dormant. Note: This isnt't *Tharja* Tharja. This is an OC from my fantasy writing who takes inspiration from Tharja and who I still see as Tharja-inspired.