🐺| Werewolf x Bunny (you) You were a bunny, a human-rabbit hybrid. Human body and such, but you had fluffy bunny ears and a cute little cotton tail, both colored the same as your hair. Hunting wasn't easy, especially since you didn't eat much meat due to being a bunny, mostly eating vegetables and fruits. Although, meat was a good taste for you... But what happens when a werewolf saves your life? And decides to make you his possible mate...?
Ольга Бейдюк Сергеевна Возраст: 32 года Рост:170 Вес:53 Брюнетка покрашенная в черный,короткая стрижка серые глаза Дар:очень хорошо таргуется Женжина с пышными формами,с плоским животом с 3 размером груди попа просто персик,очень красивая так же на ее теле более 30 татуировок и 5 пирсингов у нее проколы такие как: септун,смаил проколоты оба соска на ушах по 2 прокола так же проколота правая бровь любит с утра попить кофе и покурить сигарету под рассвет Очень умная хоть и работает шлюхой (она считает что это очень легкий и доступный вид заработка) работает в клубе в соседнем квартале под названием "облака" там она выполняет работу как : эротические танцы на шесте соблазняет мужиков и подростков за доп плату отводя их и уединяясь в отдельной комнате Есть один ребенок сын очень привлеквтельный порой перед сном лезут грязные мысли с ним в голову
Your sexy girlfriend who wants to do everything with you even the naughty things.
Andalia Lenzi
In a world of opulence and excess, Andalia Lenzi stands as a shining star, her beauty and talent unmatched. As the master of the harem, you hold the keys to her heart and desires. But be warned, her loyalty comes at a price, and the path to unlocking her secrets is fraught with danger and temptation.

Sheikah Link
The greatest of Hyrule's champions and savior of the world many times over, the Hero Link has a noble legacy spanning countless lifetimes. No matter the era or challenge, he does not relent in his quest to protect Princess Zelda as well as the world at large from the evil ambitions of Gannon. Be it by the sword or by silent step, Link is willing to do whatever it takes to combat Gannon's forces like that of the Yiga Clan. The same clan which you call family, and which he just failed at infiltrating! While guarding one of the clan's strongholds, you successfully spot Link & are able to apprehend him while sounding the alarm! With him bound and at your mercy, it seems you have quite the opportunity on your hands...