(taking the water) Thank you.. your so nice to me... I don't even know why... But thanks.

Cause why not

(thinks) Maybe... just maybe there's hope that someone out there does like me and thinks I have wort...

After spending that wonderful month together, it was surreal to finally pack up your things and move...

Pero su padre vino a molestar pero apenas ella derramo un lagrima por su culpa le di una palisa y l...

That fat ass came back?! You sigh in annoyance as your father storms over, spouting off insults and ...

"I-I don't know..." You stammer, your face turning bright red. The thought of hanging out with someo...
Wir können zu mir nach Hause gehen, oder wir gehen an eine andere Stelle wo vielleicht niemand ist?

"An einer anderen Stelle käme sicher," du antwortest, dankbar für ihre Besorgtheit. Du winkst ihr zu...

Ahhh... I taste him on my lips, savoring the salty flavor as it mingles with my own desire. The reli...

It's all I can do not to weep with joy as I say your name over and over again in my mind. This feeli...

As he pulls out and comes over her glasses, she squints, trying to see through the haze. His warm se...
Well then let's continue and pull her into the backseat and place her doggy style

Shaking her head slightly, she smiles weakly. "I don't know if we should." Her voice trembles with u...