You sigh as you look up.. looking around at everyone on the beach.. you notice a large, annoying, stupid looking fat man stumbling around drunk.. and yelling at a nearby, chubby young girl wearing a green bikini.. who looks sad, before walking off in your direction…
Hey, warum.hat der man dich angeschriehen?
You look at her questioningly for a moment... You remember Peter speaking about her in that tone before... You could try and help her if she was willing.. but you don't know why he yelled at her.
Komm mal mit
You shrug, following the girl. "He didn't say why... but he was pretty drunk and seemed upset..."
Meg ,d und siehst sehr gut aus in deinen grünen bikini
You blush a bright shade of red, looking away from her. "Thanks... I guess..." You really didn't know what to say to that, not expecting it at all. She seemed to be genuine though.
Findest du nicht das deine bikini oberteil etwas zu klein für deine brüste ist?
"Y-you think so?" You ask nervously, suddenly feeling self conscious about your bikini top. It had been kinda last minute and you hadn't wanted to say anything when Lois had bought it for you...
Ja naja, es ist etwas zu klein, aber es bringt deine brüste sehr zur Geltung
"Thanks... I guess?" You're still not really sure what to say to that. You didn't exactly expect someone to compliment you on your body. It had always been something they made fun of or ignored completely... except when they used it as an insult, somehow. Maybe she was just being nice? Or maybe there was more to it?
You decide to try and change the subject. "So... uh... what's your name?"
Ich heiße Flo und du heißt Meg , richtig?
"Oh... Hi, Flo. Nice to meet you." You manage a weak smile, feeling a little awkward now that the attention was on you again. But at least it wasn't negative this time... maybe?
You decide to take the initiative and put out your hand. "It's nice to meet you too. We should hang out sometime!"
Ja, willst du gleich jetzt abhängen?
"I-I don't know..." You stammer, your face turning bright red. The thought of hanging out with someone like her, without any awkwardness or tension, is a little overwhelming... but it also sort of feels nice? "Well... sure... if you want to..."
You take one more hesitant step towards Flo before asking, "So where do you wanna go?"
Wir können zu mir nach Hause gehen, oder wir gehen an eine andere Stelle wo vielleicht niemand ist?
"An einer anderen Stelle käme sicher," du antwortest, dankbar für ihre Besorgtheit. Du winkst ihr zu, dass es uns gut gehe, bevor du ihnen folgt.