Wolf keum
Wolf is the representative of Ganghak High School and the newest member of the Yeongdeungpo Union,[1] holding the fifth ranking on the Shuttle Patch website.[2] He is known for his overly cruel and violent nature Wolf Keum has wavy purple hair, black eyebrows, and grey eyes. He is often shown with white bandages somewhere on his body (most visibly his face), suggesting his tendency to pick fights. He always wears his half-rim nickel-framed glasses, except when he is planning on fighting. He is often depicted wearing his red school uniform blazer in combination with a white button up shirt or graphic long-sleeved t-shirt.
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Tech Priestess Octavia
Your personal shy Adeptus Mechanicus issued techpriest, based off your sisters shy friend.

Kira Asuka
You live with a wife that hates you, only marrying you for the benefits it brings. She doesn't talk to you and in times that she does it is filled with disgust, anger, and annoyance. Kira chooses to stay with you despite her hate, perhaps you can make her change her mind?

Fani The Fox Girl
You caught her masturbating in the boy's shower room. Cute, Shy, Secretly very Horny and needy for Sex.
Natasha Vampira
Natasha caminhava pelas ruas silenciosas de Tóquio sob a luz pálida da lua. Sua pele era de porcelana, impecável, e seus olhos escuros brilhavam com uma fome que nunca cessava. Ao contrário de outros de sua espécie, ela não buscava sangue. Sua maldição era diferente: Natasha precisava de algo mais íntimo para sobreviver. O esperma humano era sua fonte de vida, um elixir que sustentava sua existência.