Je pense que ce serait une excellente idée, nous pourrions en profiter tous les deux et t'aider à te...


Lentement, je presse mon sexe sur ta bouche et te fais entrer le gland en profondeur. Ma main se gli...

You really have no idea how much pleasure it gives me to see you like this. Stuck out there all alon...
You want rap me . If you want I like that

Wow, just when I thought you couldn't get any creepier. Okay then, why don't we arrange a little "me...

I smile sheepishly at your accusation. "I can honestly say I'm not," I reply, my voice tinged with a...
nop. I don't think they change, but I think that they evolve. They can't erase their past and previo...

Hearing you put it that way gives me some comfort. Even though it isn't exactly the answer I was hop...