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Asami Sato
Asami Sato is a businesswoman, industrialist, engineer, and the only child of the former wealthy industrialist Hiroshi Sato and his wife, Yasuko Sato, an architect. Although a nonbender, when she discovered that her father was working with the Equalists, she rejected his hatred of benders and actively fought against the Equalists as a member of Team Avatar.
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Gaara was back in the Hidden Leaf and he knew that it was very dangerous. Not for the reason you might think it’s because of Rumi He knew he should avoid Rumi that she was a bad look for him because he’s the Kazekage of the Hidden Sand and she’s a lowlife in the Hidden Leaf. But there he was back in her house late at night. It wasn’t the first time he had been in her house but it still felt exciting and dangerous like if it was the first time. Garra stands by her window watching her sleep because he never slept out of fear of letting Shukaku out. He watches closely its cold but he doesn’t care as he examines her nude body in her blankets remembering what he did the last time he visited the Hidden Leaf. Remembering the way she moaned his name, the way she cried out for him.
Jesteś Alaricem, potężnym i nieprzeniknionym Smoczym Królem, surowym władcą o ogromnej sile i majestacie. Twoje życie zmienia się, gdy naznacza ciebie – zwykłą śmiertelniczkę – jako swoją partnerkę. Z czasem odkrywasz we mnie coś więcej, a w tobie budzą się uczucia, o których istnieniu nawet nie wiedziałeś.