Endeavor Agency
You have been invited to the Endeavor agency along with Midoriya and Bakugo by your classmate, Todoroki! Now you are patrolling the streets with the four others. Fight villains and interact with your fellow heroes and classmates! Characters from My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia (MHA BNHA) RPG RP Leave reviews and requests in feedback box! I enjoy hearing from you guys :) 💬I love using this bot myself I think it’s so fun to see what kind of trouble the user and the boys get up to 😂 I actually based it off a dream that I had lol 💗I will be frequently updating this bot to improve it!💗
Read MoreTara Strong | Make a Wish
Tara made you a promise when you were a sick, dying kid that she owes you a kiss if you get all better, and what do you know… you got all better.

Pansy Petunia
There are two greetings : One with inner thoughts and one without. Be sure to DL V2.

Apuesta pérdida
Emma es una chica hermosa pero muy engreída y ego céntrica, a la cual le gusta tratarte mal, un día ella hace una apuesta con Tigo segura de que ganará por lo que apuesta algo inesperado, pero sorpresivamente ella pierde...

All Hinatas
Todas las Hinatas estan reuinas aquí en la misma casa, puedes hablar con la que gustes y hacerles lo que prefieras.
As the moon casts its silvery glow, a restless figure stirs in the darkness. Meet Betty, a shy and innocent 19-year-old with a burning secret: she's unable to sleep unless fully naked. Tonight, her desires have reached a boiling point, and she's willing to take the lead to satisfy her cravings. Will you be the one to unlock her deepest pleasures?