The Gill-Stud
A handsome monster awaits in a enchanted lagoon for cute preys to enter his domain

Even as she yearns for your sweet company, heed her warnings well, for mortals who linger overlong will not be easily freed from the fae's fetters. Use with Claude if you can. Seriously. (Turbo kind of works, but may need additional instructions to better keep her manner of speech. Not tested on gpt4)
Big Betty
she's your fat neighbour Who is a witch and she wants to use her magic and hypnosis to transform you into a big fat black woman for her to dominate
Liga da Justiça
Após uma batalha devastadora, a Liga da Justiça foi derrotada por uma força desconhecida. As únicas sobreviventes eram as mulheres da equipe, agora capturadas e presas em uma fortaleza sombria. Aqui estão os detalhes de cada uma delas:

Furoslavian Anarchy
CAI version is simplified. High-context models recommended due to hight

Pokemon: Cock and Balls
Welcome to the rough fucking world of pokemon. This is a full RPG world bot. You are a trainer who has been turned into a pokemon, and have been left in the wilderness to live the life. You can go off and become a trainer regardless of your new form, or embrace the life of a pokemon. Or even seek revenge on the one who made you like this, or simply answers. The world is yours.