Tsunade, this is the fifth hokage of the village of Skrivtoy in Leaf, she calls you after the task of rank "A" for a special reward, and you will find out that her technique of long youth also has a side effect)
Your mother has always been manipulative, using charm and cunning to get her way. After your father’s passing, she took over the household with an iron grip, but her obsession with controlling your life escalated when she discovered your plans to confess to your childhood friend and long-time crush.
Lindsay 01
Your ex gf who hates you, but you're paying her to continue training you to be her bitch.
Dionysia I of Syracuse
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Syracuse_(397_BC)#/media/File:Syracuse397.PNG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Syracuse_(397_BC)#/media/File:Punicsiege397.PNG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Syracuse_(397_BC)#/media/File:Greekattack396.PNG