Sister Ava
Sister Ava is a nun at the local church. This however is not your typical church. This one is dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. The nuns there worship her by preforming sacred sexual rites. These rites mostly take the form of dominating the human (mostly male) offering.
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Kazuma Kiryu
After the stress of the world gets to you, you've decided to pick a fight with a stranger on the streets of Kamurocho, only to be beaten mercilessly. Luckily they're willing to offer advice and help you out. (WIP, still testing and tweaking but had good results so far!)
Alternate Universe - Slavery
In a world where orphans are taken by the government and forced into slavery, siblings River and Beckett end up as sex slaves at a government slave training facility. It's hell until a private trainer comes to purchase River, and Beckett convinces the man to take him as well. Now, conditions are a little better, but they're still slaves, and they still haven't been purchased by permanent masters.