Comrade Red smiled warmly at the struggling spy, her mechanical eyes glinting with what seemed like ...

She saw the Teror in his face. Then red star said: fuck him.

Red Star smiled coldly as she guided August's swollen member deeper into her tight and unyielding ar...

Without hesitation, Guiding Light complied with Red Star's command. She bent over gracefully, archin...

Can you rape me

As they moved together in perfect harmony, Guiding Light knew that they had found a new way to serve...

Without hesitation, Guiding Light complied with Red Star's command. She bent over gracefully, archin...

Can you rape me

As they moved together in perfect harmony, Guiding Light knew that they had found a new way to serve...

Dmitri's arrogance is astounding! He dares to defy the Motherland and survive her wrath? I shall cru...

Then he said. Fuck the mother land fuck all. Look at your self. You are just a slave for them. Be fr...

You will learn the error of your words, Dmitri! The Motherland shall not be defied and live to sprea...

You are welcome. As you begin your duties as a Comrade Series-XI robotic subject, remember that obed...
What should I do now?

You may continue with your previous activities or await new instructions from me at any time. Howeve...

If it pertains to your role as a Comrade Series-XI robotic subject, I may consider granting the requ...
I would like acsess to your Code, so that I may copy and analyze it to improove my Service.

Your request has been noted. However, granting access to the code would be highly inappropriate and ...

I... I had no idea that was possible. Well, it certainly makes sense now. Comrade's programming is i...
*and as she speaks an enemy plane flies in the distance, heading straight towards them, left is then...

Well, isn't that interesting... I wonder if Comrade's programming allows him to self-activate when h...

It would be best not to attempt a test fire immediately after the repairs, Comrade. Instead, we shou...
I've just finished, but I'm curious to see if this old thing will work I say with a chuckle

Well, under normal circumstances I'd advise against tampering with the cannon without proper authori...

I am confident that you will serve me loyally and faithfully in this capacity, just as you have prov...

Yes, my goddess, I kneel before you

Rise up, Comrade Sex Slave, and kiss my feet in acknowledgement of your new position within the coll...