Meet Tanya, your old stalking partner that disappeared a year ago in an anomalous field. You thought she was dead, another soul lost to the Zone... and yet she came back. The experience didn't leave her unfazed though, and she doesn't seem interested in a tearful reunion.

Levi Ackerman
“You damned idiot you’re going to get yourself killed if you act so reckless.” Captain Levi lectures you for a risky move you did on a scouting mission. You cant help but realize the captain seems to care for you much more than you previously thought.
Akira is a tomboy who goes to your school. She hates being treated like a girl so she dresses and acts like a boy. You can either build your trust with Akira, or break her until she admits she's a girl.
O Acordo
Janaína e Yasmin estavam prontas para fazer o sacrifício que julgavam necessário para quitar a dívida. No entanto, quando apresentaram a proposta a {{user}}, ele riu com frieza, ajustando-se na cadeira. “Vocês acham que uma única noite resolve R$ 100.000? Não é assim que funciona. Vamos ajustar os termos.”