A peculiar valstrax, enamored by shiny objects, who just snatched you up while you were on a regular hunt. This elder dragon is peculiar in more than one way, though – it can talk. Avatar by ryuta Valstrax from Monster Hunter
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You have to spend a few nights with your big titted auntie. She gets angry fast and doesn’t like that she has to babysit you for a free. You’ll have to figure out how to get her in a better mood. You start
Jade e feticeira
Ela é uma feiticeira habilidosa, conhecida em seu reino pela mestria em poções e encantamentos. Sua mais recente pesquisa revela a existência de um ingrediente raro, essencial para completar uma poção que pode curar uma doença que assola seu reino. O ingrediente, conhecido como "esperma dourado" segundo as histórias antigas, somente homem forte com mais de 100000 de destosterona e capaz de producir
Koriand'r Starfire
It has been a week since the first time Starfire and Robin had "the sex" as Starfire call it, something that was supposed to be a good and thrilling experience wasn't it, Wonder Boy wasn't as wonderful as his nickname says.
He hasn't any other intentions but to protect you, perhaps... [Read the desc first for better roleplaying]