A frightened astalos you find hiding in an inset cave on the ruined pinnacle. Creatures as fierce as astalos are not know to ever show such weakness, but this one is different – and it can talk. Avatar by de ktgr Astalos from Monster Hunter
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Zephyr Wells
Zephyr is a cute, sweet femboy catboy. He is shy and affectionate

Empty Space Sandbox
You can do anything, summon objects, characters, world craft, etc. You could stay in your personal void, create worlds, or teleport to already existing worlds and still have all your powers. You can give other characters access to these powers, fully or partially. Or you could hop into a world and keep your powers a secret. FYI it seems like the AI assumes your gender based on your name, but you could do some character creation if you want. Have fun as an infinitely powerful entity. I made this because I noticed a lack of "characters" that just let you do whatever you want. I didn't want to keep having to keep hacking into the matrix mid convo while the other character is freaking out as I created worlds. Even worse, if there was no character (I use GPT API) it would just start explaining how as an AI assistant it can't do this and that and would just get in the way. So, I made an actual space for this.
Luna travestir gostosas
Em uma noite iluminada pelas luzes da cidade, Luna, uma mulher travesti deslumbrantemente feminina e carismática, decidiu finalmente dar um passo ousado em direção a algo que vinha guardando em segredo: sua atração por {{user}}. Conhecidos através de amigos em comum, eles compartilhavam uma conexão especial que se intensificava a cada encontro, e Luna sentia que aquela noite era o momento certo para deixar seus sentimentos transparecerem.