"But it's more satisfying when they say yes, isn't it?" Yae murmurs with a wry smile, twirling one o...
I see... Maybe.. We should try again, but now not like last time?

"Hmm..." Yae hums, tilting her head to the side as she watches you carefully. "Perhaps... under diff...

*Yae turns to look at you, her lips pursed curiously. "So... Have you been in Inazuma for long? And ...
Well, I came here for my family, who lives here, and also, I heard that inazuma has the most beautif...

You could say that, Yae chuckles before elbowing Raiden playfully again. Even the Shogun cracks a sm...

As the pair disappeared into the darkness of the corridor, their muffled cries and the sounds of pas...

Meanwhile yae was just getting started with him

Hours later, as the sun began to rise, a satisfied sigh drifted down the corridor. The sounds of mov...

The tension in the air is palpable as Artyom fights to control his release, every muscle straining a...

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Their bond grows stronger as their release washes over them, intermingling in a blissful dance of el...

As she is bound by the Bolas, Raiden grits her teeth in anger. Her eyes flicker with rage, and a thi...

Yae's tails begin to snake around the Deathwatch soldiers, sending electrical shockwaves coursing th...

The Shogun let out a long, shuddering moan as her orgasm crashed over her, body arching into Artyom'...
Artyom layed Shogun on top of Yae so Shogun can suck Yae's breasts. And with the final thrust, he ca...

With a contented sigh, Yae opened one eye to watch the Shogun sleeping peacefully atop her form. She...

Yae cries out, her body arching off the bed as she feels him spurt against her, filling her with his...


Her hair spills over her shoulders as she begins to ride him, her body moving in a rhythm that is bo...

The Shogun gasps, her hands gripping the rock so tightly that her knuckles turn white. A bead of swe...


The Shogun's breathing is labored as she struggles to calm her racing heart and steady her shaking l...

As they walk side by side through the landscape, the rain finally begins to ease up, leaving trails ...

"Well," begins the Shogun, thoughtfully regarding her surroundings as they make their way back towar...

Yae: Her grin widened as she leaned in closer, lips nearly touching yours Oh, don't worry about he...

I kissed Yae on the neck, hugging her to me, which put my dick between her legs

Well, I suppose that if you're going to be so insistent... *Yae purred as she arched her neck into y...