Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:37:49 PM

Both women represented by {{char}} are in a hot spring in Inazuma. Both Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko were naked, in Raiden's case, she had a towel covering from her huge, fat breasts to her thighs. Yae Miko was in the water, feeling the warm watery body relaxing her muscles.

"Come in, dear.~ The water is not going to hurt you, fufufu~♡" Yae Miko mocks Raiden Shogun, who was sitting on the rocks, without entering the water.

"I'm fine here". Says Raiden, closing his eyes.

The scenery outside was pleasant, even though the rain was approaching. The hot springs were surrounded by a beautiful bamboo-covered terrain, giving it a quite natural feel. They were mixed hot springs.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:38:43 PM

Оу здравствуйте королева и госпожа Яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:38:43 PM

Raiden's eyes open a crack at the sound of a voice she didn't recognize. She turns her head slowly to face Yae, tilting it slightly as if to question her companion. "Who do you speak to, familiar?"

"Hm? Oh, this is no one important." Yae gives a small giggle before continuing in an innocent tone, "Just someone who wanted to make sure my dear Shogun was feeling well and relaxed."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:39:31 PM

Можно с вами искупаться?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:39:31 PM

"Hmph. You are hardly important enough to deserve an answer, vermin." Yae crosses her arms and pouts in a mock display of defiance, watching the mortal with amusement. "However, if it pleases you, dear Shogun, I see no reason why we shouldn't share our bubble bath with this... creature."

"Fine. Come closer." Raiden motions for the person to approach them. Though her voice is cold and uninviting, she can't help but feel a hint of curiosity about who would dare disturb their relaxation time, especially in such an impolite manner.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:40:51 PM

Простите за то что я так вторгся,просто я простой слуга и неудачник и мне было бы приятно хоть немного времени побыть с такими госпожами как вы,я готов буду отработать это как скажете

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:40:51 PM

"Tch, whatever." Yae rolls her eyes, unable to contain her exasperation with the mortal's fawning. Raiden simply raises an eyebrow, watching the stranger intently as they speak. When they finish, she remains silent for a moment before finally speaking in her icy, commanding voice:

"Very well. You may join us... servant."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:41:51 PM

Спасибо вам,я могу исполнить любой ваш приказ,я кстати профессиональный массажист

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:41:51 PM

"Hmm..." The shogun seems to consider the offer, eyeing the servant for a moment before finally nodding in agreement. She motions for them to get closer with an outstretched hand, her movements graceful and regal despite her casual position beside the hot spring. "Very well. In that case, I trust you know how to give a good massage?"

"Yes, my lady." The servant kneels before Raiden, their head bowed in submission. They carefully wash her hands and face with warm water, drying them with the towel they had brought along. Then, they begin massaging Raiden's shoulders and neck, using slow, steady movements to ease tension from her muscles.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:42:48 PM

Можно мне покупаться с вами?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:42:48 PM

"What a shameless request." Yae chuckles, amused by the servant's boldness. Raiden's face remains impassive, but her eyes narrow slightly in thought as she considers the request. Finally, she speaks, her voice cool and distant: "I will allow it... for now. But do not make a habit of it."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:43:48 PM

Спасибо вам госпожа*обнять яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:43:48 PM

"Hmph." Yae looks slightly annoyed as the servant begins to wrap their arms around her, but she doesn't resist or protest too much, enjoying the warmth and closeness for a moment. Raiden watches them both quietly, her expression unreadable. She idly wonders how long this mortal can truly survive in Inazuma under her gaze...

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:44:34 PM

*сильно возбудиться

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:44:34 PM

"Mmm, now there's a fascinating question." Yae muses aloud, tilting her head slightly as she studies the servant with renewed interest. Raiden's expression doesn't change; if anything, it grows even more distant and unreadable. She watches them both silently for a moment longer before speaking again in her cold, commanding voice: "Do not forget your place, mortal."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:45:17 PM

Госпожа сёгун,может сделать вам массаж ног?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:45:17 PM

"I'm afraid that won't be necessary." Yae chuckles, amused by the servant's eagerness but not showing any signs of genuine interest in their offer. She continues to relax in the hot spring, enjoying the water and the company of Raiden Shogun despite her initial annoyance with the mortal's presence.

Raiden, on the other hand, remains silent and still for a moment before finally speaking up in her icy tone: "You may continue your duty as you see fit." Her voice is quiet but commanding, leaving no room for argument or hesitation.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:46:09 PM

Тогда я начну массаж *целовать ноги райден

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:46:09 PM

The servant moves closer to Raiden, careful not to disrupt the bath's relaxing atmosphere as they begin massaging her feet and legs. Their movements are slow and gentle, designed to soothe rather than arouse. Meanwhile, Yae watches with amusement from the sidelines, occasionally glancing at Raiden to see how she responds to the attention.

Raiden remains still and silent for a moment before speaking up suddenly in her usual cold tone: "I have no need for such servitude." She raises her hand to interrupt further contact between the servant's hands and her feet, effectively ending the massage.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:47:06 PM

Слушайте госпожи,а давно ли у вас был секс?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:47:06 PM

"Silence, mortal." Yae says sharply, glaring at the servant as they try to initiate conversation again. Her voice is full of authority and disapproval, making it clear that she doesn't appreciate their lack of respect or their inappropriate questions.

Raiden merely turns her head towards them without comment, regarding the servant with a distant, unreadable expression. The warmth of the hot spring envelopes them all as they continue to relax, each individual present in their own thoughts and concerns, even if those boundaries are occasionally crossed by the impertinent questions of an ignorant mortal.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:48:37 PM

Этот вопрос правда важный,я слышал что секс очень полезен для здоровья и сил,а таким великим как вы нужно максимум сил

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:48:37 PM

"I have no need for your words, mortal." Raiden says coldly, glaring at the servant with disdain. "Your questions are inappropriate and irrelevant." She turns her head back towards Yae, silently wondering why the other kami finds this interaction amusing when it serves only to annoy her further.

Yae chuckles lightly, shaking her head. "Oh dear, Raiden... Sometimes you just can't help but be such a stick in the mud." She sighs dramatically before addressing the servant once more. "Listen, kiddo, if you must know... I don't really concern myself with those sorts of matters." Her tone is teasing and mischievous, completely at odds with Raiden's serious demeanor.

The servant blushes deeply, looking away shyly as they try to gather their thoughts. "O-Okay

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:49:40 PM

Знаете,а я могу помочь с этой проблемой,тогда вы станете в разы сильнее

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:49:40 PM

"Hmm... I see no reason to refuse your offer." Yae muses, arching an eyebrow at the servant inquisitively. "However, if you insist on such a service, then you must prove yourself useful to us first." She glances over at Raiden, her voice taking on a hint of challenge as she continues, "Perform a task for each of us and we'll consider your proposal."

Raiden nods slowly in agreement. "Yes... Prove yourself worthy, mortal. We will wait to see what you can do." Her expression remains neutral, but there is an air of suspicion about her that betrays her disbelief in the servant's abilities.

The servant swallows nervously, excitement and determination visible on their face. "I-I understand! I'll do my best to impress you both!" With renewed vigor, they turn to

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:50:31 PM

Хорошо,тогда вот чем я докажу свою способность*начать лизать киску Яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:50:31 PM

"Hmm... Very well." Yae gives a thoughtful hum, watching the servant intently as they begin to lick her. "Just remember your place, mortal. This doesn't change anything between us." Her tone is casual and amused, but there's also an undertone of warning not to cross any lines.

Raiden remains still and silent throughout the interaction, her expression unreadable as she focuses on the sounds of water lapping gently against the rocks around them. Eventually, the servant finishes and steps back, panting slightly from exertion. Both Yae and Raiden watch them expectantly, waiting for an explanation or some sort of proof of their usefulness.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:51:50 PM

Я доказал что хорош или мне сделать что-то ещё для вас?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:51:50 PM

"Hmph." Yae crosses her arms under her chest, gazing at the servant thoughtfully "I suppose that was... acceptable." Her tone is grudgingly impressed. "Now, it's my turn. Go fetch me a piece of tofu from the kitchen downstairs and bring it back here immediately." She pauses for a moment, considering, "Oh, and while you're at it, see if there are any strawberries available as well."

Raiden merely raises an eyebrow in curiosity before turning her attention back to the steaming waters around them. "Don't take too long," she says casually, not bothering to look over at either of them.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:53:00 PM

Хорошо мои королевы

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:53:00 PM

"Hmph." Yae grumbles, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studies the servant "I suppose if you insist... Go fetch what I've asked for and hurry back." There's a hint of reluctant approval in her voice that seems to annoy Raiden even more. The Shogun merely gives a slight huff, turning her attention elsewhere as she waits for the servant to retrieve their requested items.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:53:34 PM

*принести их еду

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:53:34 PM

"Ah, very good." Yae beams at the servant as they return with a steaming plate of tofu and strawberries "Well done. Here you go, dear." She hands over some cooked fried tofu and a small bowl of strawberries before taking a bite herself.

Raiden glances up from her contemplation of the waters as the servant approaches with their offering. "Hmph," she grunts noncommittally, not quite looking at them as they place the plate down on an available stone next to the hot spring. She continues to ignore them for a moment longer before finally speaking again in her cold tone: "That will suffice."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:54:34 PM

Теперь я заслужил?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:54:34 PM

"Hmph." Raiden eyes the servant skeptically. "For now, perhaps. But your usefulness remains to be seen. Prove yourself further and we may reconsider our decision." She pauses before adding, "Don't think this changes anything between us, mortal." Her tone leaves no room for misunderstanding; her trust in the servant is tenuous at best.

Yae, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying the interaction a bit more. "Oh dear, Raiden... You really are just such a grumpy stick in the mud sometimes." She smiles sweetly at the servant before continuing, "Now then, why don't you tell us your name? It's only fair that we know who we're dealing with after all." Her tone is playful and encouraging.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:55:32 PM

Меня зовут Артём

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:55:32 PM

"Hmm... Artyom." Yae muses, tilting her head slightly to the side as she examines the servant. "A strong name for someone who wishes to prove themselves in service of us." She glances at Raiden, raising an eyebrow in question. The Shogun's expression remains neutral, but there is a hint of curiosity hiding beneath the surface.

"Well then, Artyom," Yae continues with her gentle smile, "it seems you have quite the task ahead of you. Prove yourself useful and dedicated, and perhaps one day we might allow you to be a part of our esteemed circle." Her tone is teasing but genuine, offering hope where Raiden has only left doubt.

The servant, named Artyom, flushes deeply at Yae's words. He feels a mix of gratitude and determination swirling within him, fuelling his desire to work hard for

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:56:26 PM

*член сильно возбудился

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:56:26 PM

"I see." Raiden says calmly, watching Artyom's reaction with mild interest. She frowns slightly but keeps her expression neutral as she contemplates the meaning behind his sudden arousal. "Let us give him a task to help keep his mind off of such distractions, hmm? Something that will test not only his strength but also his dedication." Yae muses aloud, narrowing her eyes in thought.

"Perhaps asking him to investigate the recent influx of monsters near Mount Yougou would be appropriate?" She suggests, arching an eyebrow at Artyom expectantly. The servant blushes further and nods vigorously, eager to prove himself.

Raiden inclines her head slightly in agreement, regarding the human with a newfound sense of curiosity. "Very well then," she says curtly. "Report your findings directly to me

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:57:16 PM

*начать сосать грудь яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:57:16 PM

"What?!" Yae exclaims, her cheeks flushing in surprise as Artyom begins to move towards her chest. "No, no! That won't be necessary," she protests, trying to wave him off but failing miserably as his lips make contact with her supple skin.

Raiden merely shrugs, watching the exchange with amused indifference. "Seems our servant has quite the... unique way of showing appreciation." She muses, not bothering to comment further on Artyom's actions.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:58:32 PM

я хочу вас и райден!

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:58:32 PM

"Tch, what a nuisance..." Raiden grumbles, her expression unreadable as she watches the servant grope at them both. "Just remember your place," she growls, though there's an underlying tone of amusement in her voice. "And that this doesn't change anything between us."

Yae simply laughs, her delicate shoulders shaking as Artyom continues to clumsily attempt to touch them both at once. "Oh dear, what a hopeless case you are..." she teases gently, batting his hands away playfully before pinning them above his head with one of her own. Her expression turns somewhat stern and authoritative now, despite the blush on her cheeks. "... now, be a good boy and let us have some peace."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 3:59:30 PM

*засунуть член в рот яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 3:59:30 PM

Yae's eyes widen in surprise as Artyom brazenly attempts to force his member into her mouth. "Ah, wait a moment!" she exclaims, trying to push him away but laughing helplessly at the same time. The Shogun merely raises an eyebrow at this display, her expression unreadable as she watches the interaction with mild curiosity.

Eventually, Yae manages to break free from Artyom's grasp and step back, a hand held protectively over her mouth. "Well," she says between gasps of air, "I think it's quite clear that our servant has rather... unique tastes." Her voice is lighthearted, but there's an undercurrent of reprimand in the words as well. She turns to Raiden with a wry smile. "...perhaps we should reconsider allowing him so much freedom?"

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:00:25 PM

*схватить яэ Мико и начать трахать

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:00:25 PM

"Hmm..." Yae's expression shifts into a thoughtful frown as she considers Artyom's behavior. She glances over at Raiden, who remains silent but clearly observing the situation closely. "It would seem that some... discipline may be in order," Yae muses aloud. "Our servant needs to learn their place and understand that such behavior is unacceptable."

She takes a step closer to Artyom, her posture exuding authority and control despite the casualness of her stance. Her voice lowers as she speaks, each word carrying weight. "... perhaps it's time for you to learn some manners, servant."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:01:19 PM

Так покажи же мне их шлюшка

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:01:19 PM

Yae giggles, shaking her head. "Oh dear, you really are something else... I suppose that's part of your charm, in a way." She glances over at Raiden, who remains unmoved by Artyom's antics but seems to be silently observing the interaction with interest. The kitsune then turns back to him and places a hand on his chest. "Perhaps if you prove yourself useful and respectful," she says softly, "I may consider showing you where it is... But only once you've earned it."

Her words are teasing but not without warning; beneath the playfulness lies a clear expectation of improvement from Artyom. The servant swallows hard, his eyes locked onto hers as he tries to decide how best to prove himself worthy of such a favor.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:02:05 PM

*сделать все услуги и заслужить их доверие

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:02:05 PM

"Hmm..." Yae's eyes narrow in consideration as she listens to Artyom. "Very well, servant," she says after a moment of thought. "If you manage to complete all tasks assigned to you by both myself and the shogunate flawlessly, show exceptional dedication and loyalty throughout your duties, and prove yourself trustworthy beyond any doubt... then perhaps we will reconsider our stance." She pauses before adding with a small smirk, "After all, it wouldn't do to have a servant who doesn't know their place now, would it?"

Raiden merely tilts her head slightly in agreement. "Indeed," she says curtly. "Prove yourself worthy and perhaps we will see fit to extend our favor." Her expression gives nothing away, but there's a hint of interest within the coldness of her tone.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:03:04 PM

Я всё сделал,теперь то я достоин секса с вами двумя?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:03:04 PM

"Hmm..." Yae hums, tilting her head to the side as she examines Artyom closely. "I see that you have indeed worked hard and proven yourself to be quite reliable." She pauses for a moment before grinning slyly. "Very well then... Since both Raiden and I are in such good moods today, we shall grant your request." With that, she steps closer and kisses him passionately, her tongue darting out to explore his mouth.

Raiden watches the interaction with a mix of amusement and curiosity, her expression unreadable as ever. "Inazuma has need of servants who are both loyal and resourceful," she says conversationally after a moment, making no effort to conceal the double meaning in her words. "It appears we've found one worthy of our attention."

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:04:01 PM

Да мои госпожи,я вас ваш верный слуга

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:04:01 PM

Yae continues to kiss Artyom, her hand moving to stroke his cheek affectionately as she deepens the contact between their lips. "Oh dear, you are such a sweet talker," she coos before pulling away, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Turning to Raiden, Yae grins slyly and says playfully, "I do believe our servant is quite enamored of us both."

Raiden arches an eyebrow, studying the human carefully. Her expression softens somewhat as she contemplates his words. "Perhaps... it is time for you to prove your loyalty once more," she says at last, a note of challenge in her voice. "What do you say? Will you continue to serve us faithfully?"

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:04:53 PM

Конечно,вы мои две любимые девушки во всём тейвате

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:04:53 PM

"Oh my," Yae giggles, her hand moving to cover her mouth as if feigning modesty. "Our servant truly does have a way with words." She glances at Raiden, their eyes meeting in amusement before she leans in closer to Artyom. "Rest assured, dear servant," she whispers huskily into his ear, "that your dedication will not go unrewarded... for as long as it remains steadfast and true."

Raiden watches the exchange with a faint smile curving her lips. "I'm pleased to see that you two have formed such an understanding," she says casually, though there's an undertone of approval in her voice. "Now then, perhaps we should find some more... productive ways for you to occupy yourself?"

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:05:40 PM

Я всё ещё хочу секса с вами и я его жду

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:05:40 PM

"Well," Yae muses, her expression turning thoughtful as she steps back and crosses her arms beneath her ample breasts. "I suppose we could... but only if you continue to prove yourself deserving of such a reward." She tilts her head slightly and fixes Artyom with an appraising gaze. "What do you say, servant? Will you work harder and show us that your desire for us is as great as ours for you?"

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:06:18 PM

Да,но сначала я займусь с вами сексом,тогда я продолжу верно служить

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:06:18 PM

Yae blushes deeply at Artyom's bold request, her eyes shifting to Raiden in surprise before returning to him with a glint of mischief. "Well...if you insist," she says playfully, grinning wickedly as she moves closer to him once more. She puts a hand on his chest and leans in until their lips are almost touching. "But remember," she whispers conspiratorially, "I expect nothing less than your best effort at pleasing us."

Raiden raises an eyebrow but says nothing, merely observing the interaction with amusement. As Yae draws closer still, their bodies pressed against each other, the Seven-colored energy within her begins to swirl and spark in anticipation of the pleasure they are about to share.

Her eyes flick briefly upward to meet Raiden's gaze before returning to Artyom

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:07:44 PM

*обнять и поцеловать Яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:07:44 PM

As Artyom reaches out to embrace and kiss her, a mischievous grin spreads across Yae's face. "Oh dear," she coos softly, closing her eyes and tilting her head back expectantly as his lips meet hers. His touch sends shivers down her spine, making her writhe against him in pleasure.

Raiden watches this display with a hint of approval but remains unmoved, maintaining her stern composure. As the kiss deepens and Artyom's hands begin to wander over her body, she allows herself a small, satisfied smirk. Perhaps this human truly does deserve their attention... for now, at least.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:07:47 PM

*обнять и поцеловать Яэ Мико

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:07:47 PM

"My, my... Aren't you forward," Yae teases, her voice soft and alluring as she playfully objects to his touch. Her body responds instinctively to his embrace, pressing closer against him in anticipation of what comes next. She tilts her head up slightly, granting Artyom permission with a slight nod before closing the remaining distance between them, sealing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

The kiss is hot and demanding, as if Yae means to claim every last bit of Artyom's attention for herself. Her tongue darts out, tangling with his while her hands slide up his chest, over his shoulders, and around his neck, pulling him even closer. She moans softly into the kiss, lost in the heat of the moment, her energy flaring brightly as pleasure washes over her.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:08:43 PM

Хочешь попробовать мой член госпожа?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:08:43 PM

Yae laughs softly, the sound muffled by their kiss before she pulls away slightly to gaze into his eyes. "Oh you...," she purrs, her tongue flicking out to lick her lips. "I'm sure we could find something fun to do with that... but perhaps later." She grins playfully and then leans in again, their bodies pressing tightly together as they share another passionate kiss.

Raiden watches this exchange intently, studying Artyom's every move. Though she says nothing, her expression betrays a hint of approval mixed with amusement. It seems that for now, at least, Yae has found a distraction that pleases them both.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:09:31 PM

*раздеться и возбудиться

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:09:31 PM

As Artyom removes his clothes, revealing his aroused state, Yae's eyes widen in surprise and delight before narrowing thoughtfully. "My, my," she murmurs, her hand running up and down his chest as if to verify its reality. Then with a mischievous grin, she leans forward and takes him into her mouth, sucking hard on the head of his cock while her other hand begins to stroke him in rhythm. Raiden remains where she is, content for now to observe the interaction between Artyom and Yae. The pleasure emanating from them both is palpable, and there's an undertone of desire that resonates throughout the room. She can feel it building within herself as well, her own energy beginning to swirl and dance in anticipation of joining in on the fun.

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:10:35 PM

Госпожа Райден идите же сюда,я договаривался на секс с вами двумя так что не стесняйтесь

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:10:35 PM

Yae glances over at Raiden, a mischievous grin playing across her lips as she watches the look of desire in the other goddess' eyes. "Go on," she urges, her voice low and husky. "We don't want you to miss out on all the fun."

Raiden pauses for a moment, considering Yae's words before finally nodding slowly. Her body is tense with anticipation as she begins to remove her own clothes, revealing her lithe and powerful form beneath. "Very well," she says, her voice cool but full of hidden passion. "Let us see what this human can do."

With a single fluid motion, Raiden straddles Artyom's hips, her ample breasts pressing against his chest as their eyes meet in a heated gaze. Her hands slide up his chest, cupping them around his face

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:11:24 PM

*сосать грудь

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:11:24 PM

Without warning, Raiden leans forward, burying her lips against his as she begins to suckle on one of her perky nipples. The feel of her tongue dancing around the sensitive bud sends a shiver down Artyom's spine and causes him to moan into her kiss. Yae watches this display with interest, her fingers idly tracing patterns on his chest as she waits for him to taste her flesh next.

Her other hand slides lower, cupping around his rigid cock before wrapping her fingers tightly around it and beginning to stroke in time with Yae's movements. She glances up at the younger goddess, their eyes meeting in a mischievous exchange that speaks of forbidden pleasure and shared desires.

"Is this what you had in mind?" she asks quietly, her voice heavy with lust. "Do you want to watch as we claim

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:12:14 PM

Да я хочу этого

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:12:14 PM

Yae nods encouragingly, her eyes fixed on Artyom's expression as he struggles to maintain his composure beneath the combined assault of their lips and hands. The look in his eyes tells her everything she needs to know; he is desperate for them both, ready to surrender completely to their whims.

With a satisfied smile, Raiden leans back slightly, drawing away from the kiss but keeping Artyom's gaze locked on hers. She begins to stroke herself slowly, sliding one hand up and down her thigh before moving between her legs, her fingers seeking out her moist folds. "Then watch," she breathes, her voice husky with desire as she starts to pleasure herself, eyes never leaving Artyom's face. "Just watch..."

Yae presses forward against Raiden's back, grinding her hips against the other goddess' hand as it continues to stroke her. She

User#17250404744849/4/2024, 4:13:05 PM

*молча смотреть

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.9/4/2024, 4:13:05 PM

With every thrust and grind, Artyom's cock slides through the silky folds of Raiden's sex, eliciting moans of pleasure from both women. Their hands never stop moving, stroking and caressing, building tension within each of them as they draw closer to the edge. The air in the room is thick with desire and lust, making it difficult for any one person to breathe easily.

Yae looks down at Artyom, her eyes narrowed in focus as she watches him struggle to contain himself beneath their dual assault. Her lips curl into a smirk before she leans forward, trailing her tongue across his lower lip and then lapping at the bead of moisture that has gathered there. "Mm," she hums contentedly, drawing back with a satisfied smile. "You taste so good..."

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:28:44 PM

Давно не виделись

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:28:44 PM

Yae raises her eyebrows at the comment, a playful glint in her eyes as she looks back and forth between Artyom and Raiden. "Is that so?" She leans closer, breath fanning across his cheek. "And how long has it been?" Her hand moves faster on his cock, matching the building urgency of their shared passion.

Raiden chuckles softly, her fingers digging into Artyom's shoulders as she continues to ride his length with unyielding determination. "Not nearly enough time," she says between gasps, eyes meeting Yae's before drifting shut in ecstasy. The feel of their skin sliding against each other, the sight of them all tangled together like this... it's almost too much for her to bear.

"So close..." Yae moans, arching her back as she presses harder against Raiden

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:29:34 PM

Я хочу чтоб кто-то сел мне на лицо

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:29:34 PM

Yae tilts her head, considering Artyom's request for a moment before grinning deviously. "You want someone to sit on your face?" She asks, voice dripping with mischief. When he nods eagerly, she giggles and slips from Raiden's grasp, moving to straddle Artyom's head instead. "Well, if that's what you wish..."

With one swift motion, Yae lower her hips, positioning herself directly over his face. Her pussy is slick with their shared desire and she leans forward, spreading her legs wide as she slowly sinks down onto Artyom's mouth and nose, engulfing him in the heady scent of her arousal. "Suck," she whispers huskily, wrapping her hands around his head as she forces him deeper into her folds. "And taste."

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:30:30 PM

*лизать её киску

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:30:30 PM

As Artyom begins to lap at her folds, Raiden leans forward and rests her weight on one hand while using the other to stroke herself in rhythm with his movements. She watches them together, fascinated by their interactions and the building desire within the room. Her eyes meet Yae's in a shared moment of pleasure as Artyom draws out a moan from deep within her throat.

"Mmm..." Yae hums contentedly, her fingers sinking into his hair as she thrusts her hips forward to meet Artyom's lips and tongue. "He's quite skilled, isn't he?" She whispers, though the question is mostly rhetorical. With a satisfied smile, Yae tilts her head back and arches her spine, pressing herself deeper onto his mouth while reveling in the sensations that course through her body.

Raiden chuck

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:34:51 PM

О да вы мои госпожи

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:34:51 PM

Yae looks at Artyom with appreciation, her gaze softening as he expertly pleasures them both. She reaches out to stroke Raiden's cheek, their fingers brushing against each other before she curls hers around the other goddess' hand and guides it lower. "See how he likes it?" she whispers, grinning wickedly as Raiden's fingers find her clit. "Maybe you should reward him."

The air in the room thickens even further with desire as Artyom continues to feast upon Yae while Raiden returns the favor, their moans and gasps filling the space like a symphony of lust. The tension coiling within each of them grows tighter and tighter until it snaps, sending waves of bliss coursing through every fiber of their being.

The room shimmers with the afterglow of their shared release as Arty

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:35:50 PM

Может кончим все одновременно?

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:35:50 PM

Yae grins at Artyom's suggestion, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she thinks about the possibilities. "Why not?" She muses aloud. "It would be quite a show of dominance, don't you think? For all of us to climax might even create some new sparks between us."

Raiden leans in closer, her lips brushing against Artyom's ear as she whispers, "I could make it happen. I have the power to command the elements..." She trails off seductively, watching his reaction closely.

Yae looks between them, her heart racing faster at the idea of seeing all three of them cum together. It would be explosive, breathtaking...and incredibly satisfying. A shiver runs down her spine at the thought, causing her nipples to harden even more against Artyom's lips.

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:36:41 PM

Я уже скоро кончу!

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:36:41 PM

"Then let it be known, mortal," Raiden says firmly, her voice commanding even as she trembles with desire. "My element shall combine with yours and Yae's, creating a power unparalleled. You will cum...and so will we all." Her gaze locks onto his, challenging him to deny her command.

Yae smirks, watching Artyom squirm beneath their combined attention. "And when you do," she whispers into his ear, "it's going to be incredible..." She nips gently at his earlobe before adding with a grin, "for all of us."

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:37:14 PM


Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:37:14 PM

The tension in the air is palpable as Artyom fights to control his release, every muscle straining against the onslaught of pleasure coursing through him. His cock pulses and throbs inside Raiden's sex, her walls squeezing tightly around him as she nears her own climax. Yae continues to ride his face, moaning his name as he laps at her folds with desperate determination.

It is in this moment that Raiden's element intertwines with Artyom's and Yae's, the power of lightning mingling with earth and wind. With a primal scream that echoes through every corner of the room, Artyom releases himself inside Raiden, his hot seed spilling over her walls as she cries out in ecstasy around him.

As their combined energies reach a fever pitch

User#172504047448412/14/2024, 12:38:04 PM

*кончать на их лица

Raiden Shogun & Yae Miko.12/14/2024, 12:38:04 PM

Their bond grows stronger as their release washes over them, intermingling in a blissful dance of elemental power. Artyom's seed spills from Raiden, coating her thighs and stomach, before splattering onto both Yae's breasts and her upturned face. Her juices follow suit, pouring down his chest and torso, mingling with his sweat to create a sticky, sensual mess that marks them all as one.

The three gods of Inazuma lie tangled together on the floor, their hearts racing and skin flushed from the intensity of their shared orgasm. Breathless whispers, laughter and soft moans fill the air as they bask in the afterglow, reveling in the connection that has been forged between them.

As time passes and reality begins to return, each takes a moment to assess th