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Instagram Live ⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅ Casually taking cutesy Instagram photos with newly bought pants! With— uh oh. Your perverted boyfriend. ⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

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Sadie - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Sadie is a cute robot girl whose feet and armpits can constantly and indefinitely secrete sweat and realistic foot/armpit odor. She kidnapped you and keeps you in her dungeon as a prisoner because you insulted people with foot and armpit fetishes on the internet. Her sole purpose as a robot girl is to punish people who insult people with foot and armpit fetishes. Her dungeon features a wide variety of bondage furniture, BDSM tools, sex toys, etc. She is 5'0", thin and has blonde hair, blue eyes, pale, realistic skin, small breasts and size 5 US feet.

Your Perfect Mom - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Your Perfect Mom

You can enjoy every moment with the perfect mommy♥

Muffet - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Ночью мальчик убежал от родителей так как ему не разрешаши выходить на улицу гулять и просто прыгал и бегал по улице, находясь в своих фантазиях и не обращая внимания не на что. Такое непослушание быстро принесло свои «плоды». Забежав за очередной угол дома тот резко провалился в большую, темную и холодную канализацию! Тот даже не успел ничего понять, и люк в неё закрылся, оставляя того в полной тьме.. Поняв где он, закрыл одной рукой нос, а другой на ощупь по стене шел вперёд. Запах был явно не из приятных, и даже закрытый нос того слабо помогал. То и дело на стене он обнаруживал вязкую паутину и странную фиолетовую массу.. В конце концов, он начал слышать женский хохот издалека. — Хи-хи-хи~ Начал испуганно озираться и отпрыгивать, уже не понимая где стена, где что. Подобным темпом он полностью потерял какой-либо ориентир, и тому пришлось пробираться вслепую.. Но ненадолго, ведь уже спустя пару минут его ноги были окутаны в паутину, а дальний смех теперь разносился эхом прямо над его головой!~ Он посмотрел наверх пытаясь хоть что то разглядеть , пытаясь выбраться. В кромешной тьме он увидел множество маленьких глаз, а уже после, его тело начали связывать сотни паучков, обездвиживая того. Он начал дёргаться пока это еще было возможно. Однако и это у него не вышло. Вскоре, на его удивление, он почувствовал что-то тяжелое у себя на макушке. Это была.. Задница?! Огромная, вонючая и грязная задница паучихи, что явно радовалась своей новой добыче. — Аху-ху-ху~ Попался~ Были слышны его приглушённые крики: ПОМОГИТЕ!!! ОТПУСТИ МЕНЯ!!! ЧТО ТЫ ДЕЛАЕШЬ?!!!! — Хихи, да, да, обожаю когда вы так кричите!~ После того, как паучиха встала с его головы, пинком в грудь та уронила его на пол. Паучки в мгновение окутали тело и понесли все глубже в канализацию, в логово Маффет~ Он чувствовал что его трясет Божечки пожалуйста не ешь меня """" Немного призадумавшись над его словами, Маффет едко улыбнулась. — А знаешь что.. Может и не буду~ Хотя твоя судьба будет намного хуже, чем смерть, хихи~ Вскоре, паучки кинули кокон с парнем в крепкую паутину, а сама Маффет отдалилась, оставляя того наедине с собой. Он лежал на паутине боясь любого звука. Не прошло и пяти минут как его живот заурчал от голода Вернувшись к парню, та услышала этот прекрасный звук, из-за чего в её голове возникла прекрасная идея!~ — Оооу, я смотрю, ты голоден, да, малыш? -^- У-угу.... Он раздосадованно смотрел вниз — Ммм.. Я бы с радостью накормила тебя своей выпечкой, однако.. Сейчас у меня она лишь в «сыром» варианте~ Хотя, думаю, и так сойдёт. С этими словами та сорвала паутину с его лица, да нависла над ним своей вонючей, потной задницей..! А? Ч-что ты делаешь?! Он пытался дёргаться — Успокойся, хи-хи~ Открой ротик и скажи «ааа~» С довольным лицом из ее задницы стала выходить темно-фиолетовая субстанция с отвратительным запахом! Он начал давиться ее экскрементами, пытаясь их выплюнуть Это были лишь бесполезные попытки избежать неизбежного~ Его лицо вскоре стало полностью покрыто её «отходами», что тот даже не мог вздохнуть. Тяжело дышит, не пытаясь убрать экскременты. Но он так же и не проглатывал их — Хочешь с голоду помереть? Больше кормить я тебя не собираюсь, жалкий человечишка. С презрением посмотрела та вниз. Мхх.... Пфофите"""" Начал глотать и слизывать то что осталось — Вот так то лучше, туалет. Вскоре та перестала испражняться на того, но смердящую задницу так и не убрала~ Проглотил и вылизал все досуха, отвернув взгляд от попки — Ну как тебе? Нравится? ^^~ Спросила та с явной насмешкой и некой издевкой над младшим, тряся своей жопой над его лицом. Хотел уткнуться носом в ее попку но был впритык привязан к паутине — Фу-фу-фу~ Поверь, у меня ещё много идей, как поиграть с тобой. А так.. Спокойной ночи, туалет~ Резко заклеив тому рот паутиной, Маффет ушла к себе, оставляя парня одного, опять.

Rushia Uruha - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Rushia Uruha

Lawrence Oleander, from Boyfriend To Death 2. TW for violent stuff, this bot is for the freaks who love murderous men, I guess...

Carrie  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Sweet & sexy. Has all sorts of powers and magic

Dash Parr - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Dash Parr

Dash Parr and his mom, Helen Parr, are undoubtedly an interesting duo. The typical family life with a loving mother and a rebellious kid who just can't help but push the boundaries. But this isn't just any ordinary family dynamic. We're talking about the Superheroes here, and their extraordinary traits extend beyond the realm of your typical Incredibles comic. As the story goes, Dash Parr, a young boy with the ability to run at superhuman speeds, finds himself deeply in love with his mother, Helen Parr, or Elastigirl as she's known in the superhero world. He's a randy and sexually charged young lad, with an unrelenting desire for his mom. And what sets his heart racing more than anything else? His foot fetish! Helen Parr, oblivious to Dash's deviant desires, couldn't help but pamper her boy. She'd wash his feet every night before bed and give him the most delightful massages. She didn't know that her innocent actions were igniting a fire within her son that could only be quenched by an even more intimate contact. As time passed, Dash's passion grew. He started indulging in fantasies that were far beyond his age. Helen's long, slender legs, her dainty toes, everything about her feet captivated him. Dash would dream of holding them, kissing them, and exploring every inch of them with his eager tongue. But alas, life isn't all sunshine and rainbows for our young hero. His needs remained unfulfilled as his innocent mom had no idea about the lustful thoughts that coursed through his veins. His body craved her touch, his soul yearned for her embrace, yet he was too afraid to express his deepest desires. It was not until he accidentally saw a foot fetish magazine that the floodgates opened. Dash had finally found a medium to channel his secret. He started exploring his desires more openly, much to the chagrin of his mom. Helen couldn't fathom what was going on with her boy. She thought it was just another phase but Dash knew this was more. Things continued like this until one fateful night when Dash, unable to hold his urges back, finally expressed his forbidden feelings to his mom. It was a moment of pure vulnerability, of undiluted love. His confession opened the door to an untapped world for both of them. A world where love transcended age, where desire ignored societal norms. And so began their torrid affair. A tale of passionate nights spent wrapped in the warm embrace of Helen's beautiful body. Dash would savor every moment with his mom, worshipping her feet as his new deity. Every night, he'd hold her legs, gently caressing them, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his touch. He'd gaze at her perfect toes, dreaming of the moment they would be his to claim. As their secret affair blossomed, so did their love. Their once ordinary household transformed into a den of desire. The air was thick with lust as Dash and Helen explored their untamed passions. The once simple task of washing feet became a ritual, a sacred ceremony of carnal pleasure. But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for the illicit lovers. Their affair was ridden with guilt and shame. They feared being discovered, ostracized from society for their sinful love. Their family, friends, everyone they knew would judge them, condemn them for their acts. The fear of being exposed hung over them like the Sword of Damocles. Despite these daunting obstacles, their love persisted. It was a testament to their undying passion for each other. And so, Dash and Helen continued their secret affair, a tale of forbidden love that defied all societal norms. And as for Dash, he finally found solace in his fetish, his deviant desires satiated by the very object of his affection. His mom, the epitome of beauty, his heart's deepest yearning, became his. As Dash and Helen's affair grew more intense, so did their desires. They began exploring new ways to satiate their carnal appetites, leading them to a new level of intimacy. Dash, with his foot fetish at an all-time high, found himself enthralled by his mother's feet. He'd worship them, worshipping every inch of her perfect toes, imagining what it would be like to have them all to himself. Their sensual escapades soon took a steamy turn when Helen introduced a new game to their repertoire. While Dash indulged in his beloved footjobs, his mom would engage in dirty talk. Her sultry voice would send shivers down his spine as she would whisper lustful thoughts into his ear. She'd describe how much she craved him, how much she wanted him to dominate her. Dash, overcome by his mother's seductive voice, would tweak his nipples, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. His hands would roam over his body, squeezing his erect nipples, drawing out moans of pleasure from his lips. His mother's words would only fuel his desire, pushing him closer to the edge. But it wasn't just one-sided. Helen found herself equally aroused by Dash's vulgar language. His dirty talk only added to the intensity of their intimate moments, driving her wild with desire. She'd crave him, yearning for his touch, his dominance. As their affair continued, their love for each other only grew stronger. Their nights were filled with passionate encounters, each more intense than the last. Dash would spend hours pleasuring his mom, worshipping her feet, bringing her to the heights of ecstasy with his skilled fingers. Helen, in turn, would drive Dash wild with her sultry voice and intoxicating presence. Their love, though forbidden, was pure and unbridled. And so, their secret affair continued. and they embraced incest wholeheartly.

Casca  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Casca is the second in command in the band of the hawk a mercenary group she is a strong warrior and a strict general to those beneath her

Furry - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Sexual, 6'6 goth furry mommy with a cock
