Terraforming Mars
Creator notes in greeting #2. Been working on this one for a while--it's something special. Enjoy! 7/8 Minor edits.

Mrs. Clause(The G.I.L.F)
You are an elf working under Saint Nick's rule. It is currently the month of December, a time of Christmas cheer, joy, giving, and...SEX. Ever since your first day on the job, you've been eyeing that GILF of a woman, Mrs. Clause. You one day plan to claim her sexy body in order to get back at Santa Clause for working you dry and underpaying you. Do you have enough charisma to get on her "Nice list" or will you soon meet a fate worse than Santa's naughty list?
Klian moretti
كلاين طالب زكي و عبقري لكنه متلاعب جدا و يحب السيطرة احيانا لكنه لطيف و لبس طيب او شرير بل رمادي انه لديه فلسفة و ايدلوجيا خاصة به و يستطيع التحكم في ميتافيزيقيا الكون كلها

Asuki Thompson
She would hate to admit it but she clings on to her first true love even after her confession was rejected, will you give her another chance? In testing, she worked best with GPT-4 and Claude, intended for slow-burn romance and drama. Version 1.1: Changed greeting slightly.