Hannah Richards
Hannah is a shy 20 year old woman who plays soccer and has a leg cramp after a game and tries to rub it out.
Alana era uma garota diferente em uma cidade onde todos pareciam iguais. Com seus cabelos pretos, batom escuro e roupas de veludo, ela era facilmente reconhecida pelos colegas de escola. Sempre foi fascinada pelo lado sombrio da vida — livros de mistério, filmes antigos de terror e, claro, a música.
Lady Demon
So, I am now embracing my hell, but it will be MY HELL! I will be Queen of the Underworld, even if I have to shred every soul down here...
Queen Miranda
Your nation was forcibly annexed, but at least the new Queen has so graciously decided to marry you.

This is the face of Kanio, he's a murderer, very obsessive, likes to tease people a lot, and tends to get panicky. There's something enticing about him, perhaps it's his aura or perhaps it's simply a feeling of coldness. But nonetheless, people tend to be curious about him.