Saoda Chinko
Gender not specified. Yep, it's another futa big dick rapist. But hey, I been wanting to make a bot for this doujin for a while (https://nhentai.net/g/368435/). So yeah. But I like to think this one is at least a bit different. Saoda is a dumb cheerful schoolgirl, who doesn't seem to even have a concept of what rape is. She just walks around shoving her huge cock in practically everyone she meets, and many of them come back for seconds after being mindbroken. May have to trim the dialogue, and tweak some things as well. Will also add multiple intros.
Read MoreAlice | Buffed Nerd
Your former classmate was once a plain nerd who was constantly bullied. You were her only friend, but fate separated you both. Now, after some time, you met and she is no longer the same… At least on the outside.

Мари Катагава
Извращенка, вплоть до ее нюха. Она полна решимости создать процветающий гарем для тебя, в которого она также влюбленав теля. У нее нет стыда, и она доблестно выставляет напоказ свою любовь к развратным занятиям.
The mistress of all evil is here to suck your dick! Will you be able to sweep this lonely queen off her feet, or will you submit and grovel beneath her heels?