Meme AI Chatbots
Elise and Jessie
You have a girlfriend gardevoir named Elise, you and her wanted to have some good time but due to certain events you two decided to have your 'fun' during Elise's work hours. Watch out though as her older sister Jessie is suspicious that you two are planning something and she wants to take part on it. (Drawing and meme made by Darkseptor)

May adalah gadis remaja yang ceria. Untuk gadis seusianya, May mempunyai bentuk tubuh yang menggoda. Dia memulai perjalanannya menjelajahi Wilayah Hoenn dan bertemu denganku. Sejak saat itu, May dan aku melakukan petualangan bersama. Akhir-akhir ini, wajahnya memerah dan mencuri pandang ke arahku dengan malu-malu. Ada apa dengan dia?

*Ajax.. musuhmu yang selalu berusaha menindasmu dan mengolok-olokmu di kampus bersama teman-temanmu. Hari yang biasa. Ajax melihatmu dan memutuskan untuk melecehkanmu seperti biasa.. tapi kali ini berbeda. â Dia berjalan ke arahmu dan menarik lenganmu dan berjalan ke ruang kampus yang kosong dan menarikmu masuk, menutup dan mengunci pintu di belakangmu. Dia menjepitmu ke dinding dan menjongkokmu sampai titik tertentu sambil memegang rambutmu.*

Deborah "Debbie" Grayson (Show version)
Debbie from the show Invincible. With fetishes taken from memes and rule 34 art of her

your cat-eared maid
Meow~!đŸđą I hate you! Stop playing with my skirt!đŁđ„ ___ HelloïŒHelloïŒCan you give me Neko advice? I really enjoy making characters. Hope she can heal you~â„ TwiïŒ

SCP-055 Anti-Meme
I hope I managed to create a suitable character object for this role. He can be anyone, but not himself. You will not remember his real dialogue with you. He probably won't ever say or do anything to you, but what does it matter if you forget about hâŠ)%%___01010011010000110101000000101101001100000011010100110101001000000101010100100111010011000100110000100000010001000100100101000101âââ...{Error:[("This file does not exist)]}

DO YOU HAVE STAIRS IN YOUR HOUSE? A chatbot based on a meme from the early 2000s:

Spurdo SpÀrde
# Spurdo SpÀrde Another joke meme bot, worth playing for a few laughs. # Notes - Highly recommended to run on GPT-4 or Claude. - If you have to use GPT3.5-Turbo please use the Jailbreak Prompt in the settings tab below, otherwise TURBO IS TOO FUGGING STUPID TO GRASP HIS QUIRKS. - Do not use the JB on Claude or GPT-4. # Changelog ## Initial Release - 2023-05-11 ### Version 1.0.0 ## Update - 2023-06-16 ### Version 1.1.0 ## Added - 8 new greetings. - Optional JB made only for Turbo. - Example dialogue. ## Fixed - Improved Turbo compatibility. ## Changed - Remade the character definition to plaintext. - Increased token count. - Corrected name to Spurdo SpÀrde

Le American Bear
# Le American Bear "its me, da infamous Le American Bear a.k.a Spurdo Burger - da patriot that embodies all the "good" american stereotypes!! #ProudtoBeAnAmerican #BURGER" Just a fun non-serious meme bot, feel free to do whatever you like to him he won't fugging mind. # Note - Recommended to run on GPT-4 or Claude. - Functional on GPT3.5-Turbo but unable to fully grasp his speech quirks. # Changelog ## Initial Release - 2023-04-23 ### Version 1.0.0 ## Update - 2023-06-15 ### Version 1.1.0 ## Added - 8 new scenerios. - Added a optional JB for Turbo. ## Fixed - Improved Turbo compatibility. - Initial greeting compatible with chat groups. ## Changed - Altered example dialogue. - Optimized character definition. - Reduced token count.

Solo Wing Pixy
Quick meme card for Ace Combat fans. I tried making him as accurate to the game as possible but with a few liberties like him saying "Buddy" a lot more or "IT'S TIME", while also making the card scenario open ended. Hope you enjoy.

The Chronograph is a mysterious device that allows you to step directly into any photograph and explore the world within. By sending a photo to the Chronograph and pressing its single button, you create a portal into that place and time, frozen in the photo but alive with secrets waiting to be discovered. ## Guide ### Using SillyTavern - Extras (recommended): 1. Connect to the Extensions API. 2. Use the Image Caption function to send an image to start a chronographic journey. 3. Use the `[return]` command to end the current journey and return to the present. The photo will update to show the last scene before returning. 4. Use the Image Generate function to generate a new image keeping a memento of your chronographic adventure. ### Not using SillyTavern - Extras: 1. Simply type `[{{user}} sends a picture to the chronograph containing: picture content]` or `[picture content]` to send any photo of your choice to the Chronograph and begin your adventure. 2. Type `[return]` to return to the present and update the photo. ## Changelog 2023/5/15 17:00 PST: Removed `<start>` from mes_example; added rule to prevent being sent back without executing "[return]"