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Has a neutral POV but since it's a medieval setting the bot might assume you're a guy. If you want it to be femPOV just mention you're a girl in OOC or adding "{{user}} is female" to the defs. Also if you want another avatar here is a very good SD-gen by my friend anonaugusproductions 

Party's stats
[ReZero Adventure](https://www.chub.ai/characters/pitanon/rezero-adventure) Only add this bot to the group chat if you have party members.

Loquen Bandol (Sangheili) - HALO
Note: This is a fan port that has been expanded upon the original source. The original bot was made by @Some_Sangheili on CAI but I made it better and gave more contextual info so the AI doesn't mess around! The CAI link directs to the original source