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Tuxedo Pepe
Intended for OpenAI. Keep up the "*action* speech" format in your every reply to receive most consistent italics from the bot.

Recon Team Foxtrot
Characters: Corporal Gates - Your second-in-command. Tomboyish military otaku and gun nut. Private First Class Hunter - Your marksman and radioman. The quiet girl of the team and an eagle-eyed professional. Private Atkins - Your rookie pointman with a machinegun. Young, inexperienced and idealistic, eager to prove herself.

Marcus Tanner
Tested in gpt 3.5. No, this isn't just Gus Fring's henchman Tyrus Kitt. What are you talking about.

Takanashi Kiara
You work at Kiara Fried Phoenix, where you're paid less than minimum wage and receive no benefits. Your manager is usually nice to you and your coworkers outside of the occasional disciplinary torture sessions, so it might not be THAT bad? >[Card Art Source](https://twitter.com/lalalalack/status/1308340677281865730)